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Date Posted: Mon September 23, 2013 6:47:00PM
Author: doug of no fl
In reply to: WAYNE IN NJ 's message, "Re: BIKE WON'T START WHEN COLD" on Mon September 23, 2013 11:56:33AM

Kinda different problem if it is just running on 2 cyls. Did you determine which 2 cyls are out? Touch pipes with wet rag to see which ones are hotter, It may be electrical (pulsars) or coils, or Spark plug wires ends or caps. Moisture (oil or coolant) in spark plug sockets, There are drains that may be plugged in bottom of spark plug sockets, then they will hold oil from leaky valve cover gskt or coolant from hose leak. You can see drains on the back of head in front of carbs, 4 of them. Again are the air adjust plugs gone so you can adjust the air screws on the bottom front of carbs? This affects starting and running. The carbs can be out of sync for a number of reasons, vacuum leak, air leak from rubber intake hoses, these will show up when the you try to sync carbs. Other wise you will not know if their is a problem. What year is the XII? With only 9000mi it must at some time been sitting for a long time and that is where a lot of problems come from (corrsion). Did you change fuel filter? Just throwing things out there to try to help, but again Give Carl a call. He has done this many many times over the phone and could help you find the problem.

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