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Date Posted: Mon September 23, 2013 11:56:33AM
In reply to: doug of no fl 's message, "Re: BIKE WON'T START WHEN COLD" on Thu September 19, 2013 1:25:44PM

This bike only has 9000 miles on it. Runs ok and then 2 weeks later starts runs on only 2 cyls. This was the second time I had to take the carbs apart clean and reassemble.
It seems as if the smallest piece of dirt will clog things up.
I only found a very small amount of rust/dirt in the carb bowls this time. I am careful as to not mix anything up or
split the carbs so I won"t have to sync the carbs. This time
I took apart the ( starter-valves ) or cold start valves. There is 4 plunger valves which open and close with the use of the choke cable. They open up a pass way to let the carb suck up raw gas from the bowl to start when cold. This passage is very small with a couple brass plugs in it. I had no way of cleaning out these passages and doubt if I fixed the problem. Carbs just about back on the bike now -terrible job.


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