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Date Posted: Sun September 29, 2013 4:52:55PM
Author: Joe
Subject: What is clutch slippage like on a motorcycle?

So I got my 98 up and running last night, but it back together enough to sit on it and take it around the parking lot. Still have a dry rotted front tire at the moment.

Anyway, anytime I gave it some throttle, the engine would rev, but there really wasn't a proportional increase in speed, if any increase at all.

FYI, the bike has been sitting for 5-6 years. I changed the oil last night to some generic 15w-30 or something knowing it would need changed again. Ran it for 30 minutes last night, it was dirty as well again. Changed the oil again this morning to Rotello 15w-40.

Is it possible that oil just needed to work it's way up to the clutch disks some more? I did feel like it was getting a little better near the end of my five minute run, but I didn't want to risk it until I knew more.

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