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Date Posted: 04:52:01 04/06/03 Sun
Author: The Latin Lover
Subject: Leaving Something Behind

*** The scene fades in on two cops,probably buddies of the great pink panther himself,Detective Dav. Mackey. Peers or whatever,these two falt-footed gentlemen are inspecting the damage caused by a mysterious man. For some reason,these two pigs just don't watch enough T.V,it's not right I tell yah! They snoop around,every minute asking questions and pointing. (you know,like cops do when they got no leads and are just fuckin' up your hood') Anyhoo,these cops don't know their asses from their elbows. Let's find out what they are up to huh? COOL! I knew you'd agree. ***

Cop # 1
This is obviously the work of a "mad man". But whom in Juno would do such a thing?

Cop # 2
Perhaps Jihad Johnny Bin Laden or Dr.Doom. I've heard he's not a real doctor.

Cop # 1
Maybe so,but this mystery's getting the more mysterious the deeper why dive into it.

*** Suddenly,guess who shows up! That's right! It's The Latin Lover!! With him he carries a large portrait,un-see-able right now because he has it towards his chest. ***

Latin Lover
Good evening officers. May I ask what are you doing in RWF's Hall of Fame?

Cop # 2
We are investigating the crime scene. Look there,the portrait of Dav. Pinnick smashed and torn into several pieces.

Oh that's too bad. I wonder who could have done it?

Cop # 1
Who knows? The culprit used techniques to hide his identity. He even stole the video cassette monitoring this scene of the night in question. He even found the cassette recording from that statue over there.

This guy is really smart! Officers,I hope you catch this punk! I want him behind bars! I want this scum sucking dredge of society locked away for three hundred and thrity three years! No one does this to my beloved organization,NOBODY!

Cop # 1
Who are you?

I'm the Latin Lover,RWF's WORLD champion! (smiles)

Cop # 1
Oh...You're that jerk who had X Channel help him get a win over X's own son. Some champion...

Look flatfoot! I don't go around were you work teasing you about how johnny crook got away from your tubby ass ok! You do your job and I'll do mine!

Cop # 2
Excuse me sir but watch the language...

Yeah yeah whatever...

Cop # 2
What you got there?

Well,I was thinking. Since this place needs a new portrait,and seeing as THIS space is open. I thought why don't I just put MY portrait right here? I mean,I AM RWF's WORLD champion,right? I should get my picture put on ALL the walls of this bulding,right?

Cop # 1
I don't see your point son but go on with your business.

Thank you officer and might I add that's a splendid bullet proof vest your wearing under all that acrylick. (dont know spelling)

Cop # 1
I'm not wearing a bullet proof vest...

*** Double L begins touching his chest. ***

Jesus H,is all this muscle?

*** The cop pushes Double L's hand away. ***

Cop # 1
Please don't touch me. Just do what you came to do and be on your way please.

Heh...a little worried huh? (laughs) I'll just place my portrait right in that open spot..right there..yeah.

*** Truly a sad day,a sad day indeed! Double L now has his mug laying were Dav's portrait once stood. You can almost hear him turning in his grave. ***

Well officers,doesn't it look glorious?

Cop # 1
Are you done?

Cop # 2
It goes...I don't know...

Very well. Listen,if you're both BIG wrestling fans,why don't you take these two (pulls out tickets) tickets and come see the show. I promise you YOU will have the time of your lives! I'm defending my title against a man you might have arrested just for being black and another for perhaps siliciting sexual favours to gay house pets. Eskimo's are afraid of this man! His name is Vanity ShowWood and he's a real feisty person! He won't be though after I whoop his ass and take BOTH belts home!

Cop # 2
So I'm guessing this Vanity guy's got a title huh?

Yes officer. He's wack though..heh heh..and make sure you keep your eyes peeled for this Tyrone Walker fellow. He's black so you might wanna beat him up before the actual day. I'm not saying anything you don't already do...

Cop # 2
Listen you,we don't DO ANYTHING like that! Never have,never will!

Whatever officer man...I'll see you at the show. Please,don't miss it.

*** The Latin Lover winks and leaves the scene. ***

Cop # 2
The nerve of that guy! It's bothering me that we didn't take him in for questioning. HE could have known something about this vandalism!

Cop # 1
(looking at LL portrait) I don't know. Everything...just doesn't seem like what they appear to be. Let's keep searching for clue.

*** The scene fades out as the policemen do just that. ***

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