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Date Posted: 16:54:35 04/06/03 Sun
Author: Det. Vic Mackey
Subject: First Day

It is two days before Mackey's next title fight. He is sitting at home in the kitchen with his 5 year old son Matt. Matt is playing with some silverware while Mackey is reading the paper about Terry's funeral.

Mackey's wife Corinne comes in. "Shane barely touched his food tonight." Corinne said. "It's only been a couple of days since we buried Terry." Vic replied. "I know, but this sin't like him. I mean it's not like he killed Terry." Corinne said.

"Hey Corinne, you coming to the arena on Tuesday?" Vic asked. "Of course. Front row with the kids." Corinne said as the left the room with a bottle for their 18 month old daughter, Alexis.


The strike team are all in their office as Vic walks in with the new guy. "I got the fresh meat, this here's Terry, he comes to us from robbery." Vic said. "Robbery? You mean the fag squad?" Shane replied. Everyone laughed.

"We ran out of fresh asses over there, so I figure I'd try you prom queens on for size" Terry replied. Everyone 'ooooh'ed. "If you're looking for fresh asses. I'd cross Shane off of your list." Vic chimed in. Shane in his gayest voice said. "Oh stop it mister, stop it"

Terry sat down as Vic headed for the door. "It looks like its gonna be a blast to run with you guys." Terry said. "Just make sure you keep up, and don't let these pussies haze you too badly." Vic said as Terry was immidiately accepted by the strike team.


Vic was snapped out of his flashback by Matt. "Ok, Mr. Fussy, let's get you ready for school." Vic said as he picked up his son and got him ready, all the time only thinking of two things....... Terry and his title match.

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