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Date Posted: 19:38:10 04/06/03 Sun
Author: "Shit Talker" Tyrone Walker
Subject: What a bitch ass nigga.

"Shit Talker" Tyrone Walker is laying on a revolving circular bed with three tired-out hos lying around him. Cocaine mirrors, open bags of herb and countless cuyt-up pills and empty liquor bottles lay about everywhere. There's a knock at the door to the bedroom as Walker shifts to his elbows and presses a remote control's button nearby. The door swings open and Norman Smiley comes wheeling in with a video tape in his mouth.


WALKER: "Bitch, spit that tape out yo' big-lipped nigga mouth and speak ebonics!"

"I got the tape you wanted. Those guards around the place will do anything for blow, ST."

WALKER: "So will half the wrestlers around here as well."

"How'd you know there'd be a second tape?"

"Because nobody would own this much shit and not be havin' security shit in plain site."

The two men share a good laugh as Smiley wheels over to a gigantic entertainment center and fidgets with some buttons. A surround sound system lowers from teh ceiling and the Flat wall television screeen jumps to life as Tyrone Walker's smiling face can be seen on the screen as something moves back and forth blocking the camera. It pans back and Walker is sitting on the end of the bed, buck naked, as the hos in his bed are seen wrestling naked on the ground, giggling. Tyrone has a bottle of Olive Oil he's sprinking about on the women.

VIDEO TYRONE: "Oh yeah! Hos be wrestlin' for some of this dick! Work it! Work it!"

Walker quickly hits a button on the controller in his bed and an awkward silence fills the room.

"Just put the tape in, nigga."

Walker and Smiley sit back as the RWF Hall of Fame comes into view. The two men stare intently as Latin Lover comes onto the screen and begins his temper tantrum, attacking the picture of Dav Pinnick. The two men burst out in laughter as they replay bits of audio. The ladies begin to stir as Tyrone replays it for all the women in the bed as well. Pretty soon, everyone is watching and laughing hysterically.

"So what you gonna' do with this tape? Turn Latin Lover in to the president?"

"Aw hell no! Even though X be a brutha and all that shit, he's still got the power - so that makes his ass "The Man" when it comes to shit like this."

Walker pauses for a second and brightens up.

"Here's what we do. Go get Mufassa and head down to my recording studio. I'll be there in an hour as soon as I drop these hos off at their respective corners. We's goin' to be havin' some fun with Mr. lova' man."

Smiley nods and wheels out of the room. Walker sighs and leans back into the bed. He reaches under a red pillow shaped like a dollar sign and produces a bottle of olive oil.

"Now ladies ... who wants to be rasslin' fo' this dick?"

Giggling can be heard once again as the camera fades out and Turner starts to unscrew the lid to the olive oil.

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