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Date Posted: 02:19:59 04/10/03 Thu
Author: The Latin Lover
Subject: After The Match

*** AHEM!!! The scene fades in...on a bloody...beaten...Latin Lover. Still champion...still...champion. ***

Anonymous Guy
...Hey Latin Lover...Great show you put up out there!

Latin Lover

*** The Latin Lover is bleeding from his head profusely,his muscles ache...the knots on his muscles and the light hobbling tell us that there is more injury here than meets the eye. Holding a towel full of ice,Double L temporarily soother his aches. He's come a long way...He stops when he reaches a pay phone. He leans up against the wall as he begins dialing one of those collect call numbers you see so much on television. He waits for the person on the opposite end to pick up. When he or she does...Double L says...***

Latin Lover
...Honey...I lost...

*** On the other line is none other than the Latin Lovers wife,Heidi Lover. We can tell (because of RWF's sound tech guys) That Heidi is crying. ***

...sob...I know baby. I'm so sorry...sob...

Latin Lover
...Baby...Don't cry...please. I'm not feeling to good about myself right now...I...I...

...sob...Baby I'm taking the first plane down there right now. I don't want you feeling alone...Not like this and not at this...sob...time.

Latin Lover
...Thank you baby. I really appreciate that. Oh,hold up Hun...

*** Another anonymous person has walked into the scene. He nods at Double L before passing him a small red envelope. ***

Latin Lover
...Thank you...

*** The man nods again before walking out the scene. The Latin Lover begins opening said envelope. ***

Latin Lover
...Like I said baby...You can come back. I really need you right now...

...sob...Baby...are you okay? I don't like the tone of your voice.

Latin Lover
...No baby I'm ok,honest. I'm just tending my injury here...No big whoop...

...Oh man...I saw what he did to you. Please Ruben,go to the hospital...

Latin Lover
...Baby,I'll be fine,really. Remember Hun...(chuckles)...I got thrown off a bridge once. I survived that and I'll most certainly survive this...

...sob...Yeah...But what about me? How do you think I feel when I have to watch you doing this to yourself???

Latin Lover
(long pause) I don't know how you feel baby...I'm sorry. But...this is my job...I hope you understand that.

...sob...I understand it...But I don't like it...

Latin Lover
...Well sweetie...I'll be looking forward to you getting here. I have to do some stuff right now...Hun...I miss you...

...Oh...sob...I miss you too!

Latin Lover
...Okay,time for me to go. Here! *kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss* I'll see you soon...

*** Heidi says goodbye and hangs up the phone. Double L's full attention is now on the piece of paper resting in his hands. On it,it reads. ***

blah blah vs. blah blah vs. blah the fucking blah

blah blah vs. blah blah

Doctrine Dark vs. Shay

Ken Wild vs. blah...

*** Main Event ***
Vacant Tag Team Title Match
"Shit Talker" Tyrone Walker

Latin Lover

*** And rightfully so. Double L crumbles the piece of paper in his hands and drops it. He steps on it gently as he walks away from the pay phone. The scene fades out as he makes his way towards the "RWF Hall of Fame". That's right. ***

~ RWF's Intercontinental Champion,The Latin Lover ~

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