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Date Posted: 17:03:01 04/10/03 Thu
Author: Ken Wild
Subject: The money gone?!

After two straight weeks of embarrassment, Ken Wild has finally broke his losing streak. Last nights Hangover proved to be Wild's changing point as Xavier "X" Channel had a little talk with Wild. After taking some serious consideration Wild made a promise. Not only to himself but to Paco. No more Cocaine, Wild was stripped clean. But how long will this "Promise" last? The worst was about to come. You all must know how the Juno Ghetto is like right? Low lives, Junkies, hookers, street thugs, bums you get the picture right? The Juno Ghetto was the dump of Juno Montana. Paco the Mexican left the door open when he left the apartment. The dealing money was resting in the black leathered case under the table in the living room. It was well hidden to but the opportunity came. A group of weed smoking, beer drinking kids enter the apartment. Little kids around 10 acting like hard asses, How embarrassing would that be? The four were dressed pretty much alike, Black bandanas, cut up jeans, fake chains dripping down there necks, and black tanktops. They all surround the big television set.

Kid #1: Damn this apartment blows.

Kid #2: Damn you nigga! Lets take the television set and bounce. I'm going to roll a fucking blunt when I get home.

Kid #3: Aren't your grand mother and father home?

Kid #2: Yeah, but what do they know? Dumb mother fuckers!

One kid divorces him self from the other three and takes a good look around the apartment. He enters the kitchen and opens the refrigerator and takes out a bottle of beer, opens it and begins drinking. He walks back into the living room half way done with his bottle. The other three turn around then pause. They come closer and closer to the young boy with the beer bottle.

Kid #4: Damn son, you were supposed to help us with the...... Where did you get the beer bottle from?

Kid #1: Six pack in the refrigerator.

The three push the boy to the floor and storm into the kitchen. The boy stumbles to the ground and lands on his stomach. The beer bottle crashes to the wooden floor, the bottle breaks in pieces. The boy tries to pick himself up but can't. He looks straight towards the table and can see golden handles slowly fading into the dark. While the other boys wrestle in the kitchen for beer, the boy begins to crawl across the room and under the table. He grabs the case by the handle. Paco wasn't to smart he kept forgetting the code number to the case so he carved it under the table. The boy tries to open the case but can't. He then attempts to bite the case open but fails. It was useless the boy thought to himself as he slams the case to the wall a few times before realizing that it is useless to try opening the case without the code. He looks up and finds a knife which was struck by Paco. It was hanging under the table. He grips the knife by the handle but soon finds the number to the lock. Numbers are flipped around with the boys small fingers. Suddenly "Click" the boy opens the case. His brown little eyes turn green as he begins to smile.

Kid #1: Holy Jesus! Yo Niggas get yours asses out here.

After finishing two boxes of six packs the three boys somehow make there way out the kitchen and back to where they started, the living room. The boy with the case climbs on top of the chair then places the case on the table. All at once they begin to smile.

Kid #2: I can give some of the money to my mother.

Kid #3: Fuck that bitch! Think about how much weed we can buy. Just when I thought this apartment was just another shitty home.

Kid #4: Wait someone is coming!

All at once they began to worry. Paco is heard from a far distance as he sings to himself. The same boy who found the case opens a huge pocket in the right side and pulls out a block of Cocaine. Suddenly Paco gives the door knob a little twist but it doesn't open.

Kid #2: Some dumb mother fucker! Who leaves flower in a case filled with money?

He whispers as they enter the bedroom. Keys rattle as Paco places the key through the slot then gives it a twist. The door opens as Paco enters the apartment and looks around. Beer bottles litter the kitchen floor as well as the living room.

Paco: Wild must have lost again! Cocaine I see, that little bastard broke his promise.

He makes his way into the bedroom. Chills run down his spine as he begins to shiver. He looks at the window and spots the problem. He seals the window shut and makes his way back to the living room.

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