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Date Posted: 17:04:29 04/10/03 Thu
Author: Doctrine Dark
Subject: A New Reign ( Latin Lover Read )

Doctrine Dark comes walking though his door )

D.Dark: That fucken asshole, I'm an assassin I don't need to talk. Anyway Latin Lover has been really making a mark here just like I will someday only the RWF will fall and the Mid-Carders will rule, but still I'm better then a piece of shit mid-carder but I'm sure Latin Lover will understand that. I know a latter and I hope Billy will give to him or else and if the prez has anything to say about it he end up in hell were I will meet him.

( Doctrine Dark sits down and rights the letter. It saya:)

Dear Latin Lover,

I'm Doctrine Dark I killed Kave Blackwell in a match at hangover and I see you need a little help cause your men just aren't workin' so I'm here to offer some help. Your men are nothing I mean that match Shay vs Ken Wild who were you tring to help win if I were there I would of gotten the job done. One other thing let me join your crew cause with me not only will you rule the RWF you will also rule the world . ( Just think about that okay )

The Great Assassin,

Doctrine Dark

D.Dark: Let's see him pass this up

( Doctrine Dark pass the letter out the door for Billy to deliver it to Latin Lover)

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