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Date Posted: 11:32:57 04/11/03 Fri
Author: Shay
Subject: Getting to know Kim !!!

( Shay and his Son Kim are sitting on the couch talking after Ashley went to bed)

Shay: So how old are you anyway?

Kim: I'm 7 years old

Shay: Wow it has been a long time

( Just then Ashley comes running in)

Ashley: Shay, Shay, Shay

Shay: God women what do you want?

Ashley: It's the new card

Shay: What let me see that. Hmmmm Doctrine Dark who the hell is that

Ashley: He's a former assassin

Shay: Assassin , then why is he here then.

( Shay, and Ashley start debat about Doctrine Dark when Kim says some thing)

KIm: Wait, hold up I thought you guys wanted to know some stuff about me

Shay: Yea, but he is right

Ashley: Yea, I'm sorry I gave you that card

Kim: Okay anything else you want to know

Shay: Yea, do you know any Tai Kwan Do?

Kim: Yea a little not much but you can teach me more and even some of your awsome moves.

Shay: That I can

Ashley: Well if Shay is your Dad......

Shay: Ashley face it he is mine

Ashley: Yea I guess your right

Shay: I know haveing Kim around will be alot differnt, but still being that Mai died I have to take care of him now

Kim: Can I have a drink?

Ashley: Yea sure, Shay I'll be right back

Shay: Okay

( Ashley leaves the room)

Shay: Now where were we?

Kim: You too were tring to get to know me a little better. But the is something I wanted to ask you

Shay: About what

Kim: The Mavericks

Shay: Oh come on that wasn't even a stable it was really just a bunch of rookie's tring to make a mark.

Kim: So you were to only one who wanted it to work

Shay: Well, I did I don't know about Ken Wild and the Latin Lover

Kim: are you still friends with The latin Lover and Ken Wild

Shay: I hope so.

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