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Date Posted: 04:34:37 04/11/03 Fri
Author: Dr Doom
Subject: Apoc and Alex

The scene opens in one of the staff quarters. The walls have recently been painted black, and candles have been tactically placed around the room to create a dark but, at the same time, light and warm atmosphere. A black and extremely shiny Warlock is on a stand in a corner with a black motorcycle helmet next to it on the floor. A bed stretches along one wall, using up another two corners, and in the fourth is a large yellow, red and green bong, which is definately not just there for decoration. The door opens, and Apocalypticus stomps in. He picks up a book from a small table next to the top of the bed, opens it and begins to read. He reads for a few minutes and a beeping sound is heard. Apocalypticus quickly puts a hand in his pocket and produces a somewhat bricky cell phone. He answers it.

Apoc : Yo. ........ Coffee? At three in the morning? Where? ............... Do they make tea? ............. Ah. Alright, I'll heado ver now then, see you in a bit. Aye. .... Bye.

Apocalypticus fiddles with the phone, spins it around in his fingers and slides it into his pocket. He grabs the Warlock from the corner of his room, slings it over his shoulder and pockets a pick. He leaves the room.

[The following takes place at exactly the same time as Apocalypticus enters his room]

[Alexandra sits in her office in front of a laptop. She's one of those people who doesn't seem to ever sleep, at least not through the night. Noctournal. However, people like Doom are more like cats. They eat, shit, and then sleep until they need to either eat or do something important, like go outside, do some "work", then come back and sleep again. Or eat first. Alternatively, Alex eats very little, sleeps even less and refuses to drink alcohol. Tonight is an exception however. She feels she's going to need it. A large bottle of vodka teeters on the edge of the desk, and a shot glass of similar proportion to the bottle sits full next to the laptop. Alex grabs it, necks it, and fills it. She repeats the process a few times until she coughs enough to inadvertantly transplant a lung, then stops. She grabs the phone on the edge of the desk and pushes a few buttons. The recieving phone rings a little, and is answered.

Alex : .... Hey Apoc, feel like some coffee? ........ The refectory downstairs is open twenty-four seven! ....... Yeah, Doom drinks it all the time. ........ Yeah, I'll see you in a minute ...... Cya. ...

She hangs up. A smile begins at one side of her face, then continues its way over to the other side, leaving an impression.

Alex : I really fucking need that coffee now... *hic*

She gets up, staggers over to the door and lets herself out. The door slams behind her.]

Apocalypticus looks up and down the corridor. He sees the lift, and wanders over to it. He pushes the button for the next floor down, waits for it to stop, then gets back out. The corridor out of the lift opens up into a T-shaped junction. You can either go forward for a bit, or turn right straight away. Apocalypticus wonders where the hell he should go. He goes straight ahead, and finds out a few minutes later that he should've gone right when he started. Nevermind. He walks into the refectory and instantly spots Alexandra, as she's the only other person there. He wanders over, raises his hand in greeting and sits down. Scene fades out.

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