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Date Posted: 22:41:52 04/11/03 Fri
Author: Ken Wild w/Xavier "X" Channel
Subject: A huge favor......

Later that night Paco finally realized that the case was stolen. But it only got worse, Wild and Paco were forced in the streets. The money Wild got for beating Shay just wasn't enough. Selling Cocaine would probably be the best thing but Wild wasn't going to take the chance. After all Wild was clean but Paco wanted to watch over Wild. Making sure he was living up to his word. It was a bitterly cold but a dazzling night as Paco is seen digging through trash cans. Wild leans against the wall in the dark. Paco opens the lid to a trash can and pulls out a paper bag. Burger World is written across the bag, Paco digs in and pulls out a ham burger with some maggots on it. He isn't to thrilled but he hadn't had a good meal in days. Paco begins eating the burger but then throws it all out. Wild chuckles as he steps out of the dark and into the light.

Paco: This foot taste like shit!

He blows the maggots off the burger clean and begins eating the rest of the burger. Wild rolls up a blunt, lights it up and gives it a few pulls.

Ken Wild: Stay here, I'll go and talk to Xavier "X" Channel.

Paco: Where's the Cocaine?!

Ken Wild: It's in the back.

Wild drops the blunt then steps on it and walks down the block. Paco looks around for the bag of Cocaine when suddenly a few bums gather around the bag. Paco shoves his way through the bums and grabs the bag. An hour later...... Wild is seen walking towards the RWF arena. He pushes the door open and walks down the hall. Xavier "X" Channel's secretary runs behind Wild. She stops Wild but is out of breath, She begins to speak.

Secretary: Hey, Xavier "X" Channel is very busy at the moment.

Wild ignores the lady and walks ahead. Two of Xavier "X" Channel's guards stand by his door. Both dressed in black suits and wearing black shades. Wild tries to go in but the two guards stop him.

Guard #1: If your looking for Xavier "X" Channel he's very busy at the moment. Try coming some other time.

Wild grows impatient as one of the guards pulls out his cell phone and looks at the time. Wild walks down the hall and cuts the corner. He leans against the wall and waits for the two guards to leave.

Guard #2: It's lunch time. You think anyone will come while were gone?

Guard #1: No, That kid just left and I don't think he'll be back any time soon.

The two men walk down the hall and enter the elevator. Wild walks towards the door and twists the knob open. Xavier "X" Channel is seen in his office dressed in a white suit and is sleeping! His office was well organized. Wild closes the door and takes a good look around.

Ken Wild: Yeah, real busy! What the hell is all this? This guy must love himself.

Pictures nailed to the wall of Xavier "X" Channel. Wild grabs one of his leathered chairs and places it on the opposite side of where he's sleeping. To the right side of where Xavier "X" Channel's head their lays a brown wooden box. Wild flips the top open and grabs one of Xavier's expensive Cuban cigar's. Wild sits back and begins inhaling the cigar. The smell manages to get Xavier "X" Channel's attention. Xavier picks his head up and looks around. Wild smiles as he places his legs on the table. Xavier gets to his feet but is half asleep.

Xavier "X" Channel: What the hell is going on?!

Xavier pushes Wild's legs off the table then grabs the cigar from Wild's hand and dumps it into the empty trash can. Xavier sits back in his chair and begins to speak.

Xavier "X" Channel: So Mr. Wild, Hangover's talk wasn't good enough for you? You come in my office and not only that but you took one of my cigar's! But beside the point you woke me up! Now what is it that you want me to do for you? Jesus! What's that smell?!

Ken Wild: I'm not hear for advice. You see Xavier "X" Channel the check I received wasn't good enough to put a roof over my head. Now I live in the streets. Now I need you to do me a favor?

Xavier "X" Channel: What might that be?

Ken Wild: I've been trying to get a hold of one of those Complex apartments for a while now. I need you to make that possible. Since your running the show and all and since I have no place left to go.

Xavier "X" Channel: Ok, you can have your apartment! Just get out of my office you smell like crap!

Ken Wild: And another thing..... I have Cabbie Klowask in a match at Hangoveri! You think you can change the card a little? You know give me Shay again?

Xavier "X" Channel: Your starting to piss me off! The card will remain the same. I think it's going to be a great match. Now if you can excuse me I have some unfinished paper work to do.

Wild makes his way across the room and out the door. Xavier "X" Channel quickly digs under his desk and pulls out an air freshener and begins spraying it across the room. The scene fades out.

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