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Date Posted: 16:39:09 04/12/03 Sat
Author: Doctrine Dark
Subject: I Did It.......

( Doctine Dark is watching Vanity ShowWood get carted out of the RWF Hall Of Fame)

D.Dark: Muder ha that just a little tap I want to kill ShowWood but I guess I let him live. I'm glad it was me cause that would prove that I still got it. Damn I know X is going to think it was me cause I'm the only assassin in the RWF. Ah fuck it X has no way to tell it was me. The real Red Devil is me Wait and Bleed three words to live bye. Now all I need it an anwser from the Latin Lover being that Uknown Jobber and RB are gone he is going to need me, even though he should change the name to The Assassin's Club, but it dose matter the MCW will rule hahahahahahaha. Billy is so slow.

( Then a knock at the door)

D.Dark: Billy well did he get the letter

Billy: No! but Hedi did

D.Dark: I told you to give it to him and tell the prez that I attacked Vanity just to see what happens cause it Vanity lives next he will die.

Billy: But then you would be fired and then no job

D.Dark: So what I fight Vanity and kill him I wanted Vic and if I don't get more will end up Like Vanity.

( Doctrine Dark shut the door so Billy can go tell the prez)

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