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Date Posted: 20:47:20 04/12/03 Sat
Author: "Blitzkrieg" Brian Von Braun
Subject: The Ghost And Mr. Blitzkrieg

It's 2:30a.m. in the town of Juno, Montana. Save for the ghetto, the streets of this Big Sky town are quiet. The silence is broken up by a gust of wind that rustles the leaves of the trees lining the entryway of the RWF Hall Of Fame. After the wind dies down, the sound of footsteps takes its place. Brian Von Braun hasn't been able to fall asleep all night. He finally has the chance to back up the talk he made about Latin Lover when he joins Vic Mackey to take on LL and Tyrone Walker. Brian's mind has been racing and he's anxious for the match. Feeling a bit stir crazy, Brian has decided to take a little walk. The police lines covering the entrance steal Brian's attention and he stops in front of the Hall Of Fame. At the last Hangover, this prestigious building served as Vanity ShowWood's gallows, and his body was found hanging from the Dutch Destroyer Memorial statue at the end of the show. "Why in the hell did you kill yourself Vanity?" A movement in the lobby follows Brian's question, and he squints his eyes to see someone moving away from the door and deeper into the hall. "What the hell?" Brian's curiosity overtakes him, and he runs to the door, stopping just short of the police line. In his entire life, Brian has never broken a law. His parents raised him to be the perfect, law-abiding citizen that rarely exists anymore. Those teachings are broken in a heartbeat as Brian's desire to find out who is in the building overtakes him. He steps under the line and moves to the left door. Brian tugs on the handle, but the door is locked. He reaches over to the right door and pulls on it, but it's locked as well. The hall looks empty as Brian puts his hands around his eyes and peers in. Shaking his head at the utter nonsense of what he's doing, Brian turns around and starts to duck back under the police line. A clicking noise behind him stops Brian short. He turns around and pulls on the door again, and it opens with ease. With much hesitation and a little perspiration, Brian enters the Hall. He walks past the ticket and merchandise booths straight back to the Dutch Destroyer Memorial. Brian looks around, but there's no one to be seen. The Hall is dead silence. He looks up at the Dav Pinnick exhibit. Brian backs up to get a better look at it all.

Why would you hang yourself in a place as wonderful as this?

That's none of your damn business you unpretty rookie!

Brian jumps forward as the voice behind him almost scares him out of his body. He turns around with fists ready to burn to see Vanity ShowWood hanging by an ectoplasmic noose from the Dutch Destroyer Memorial. Vanity slips free and lands on his feet as the noose dissolves into nothing.

What the.... But how... You're dead!

That's an astute observation pusbrain.

Then that would make you a ghost.

Duh!!! Where are you from greenhorn? Arkansas?

Missouri actually.

It's all the same. And it's certainly not Hollywood. Isn't it past your bedtime sonny boy? Why are you here?

I can't sleep.

So you come here and disturb me? I can't sleep either you know, for an ETERNITY!

Hey, before 2 minutes ago, ghosts didn't exist to me! I have a lot on my mind so take it easy!

What could you possibly be worried about? You're undefeated aren't you? You're the Traditional Champion, AREN'T YOU?

Yeah, but I have a tag match this Tuesday, and my opponents are Latin Lover and Tyrone Walker, the two top men in the company.

And who's your partner, hmmm?

Vic Mackey.

Hehehe, hahaha, HAHAHAHA!!!! VIC MACKEY!?!? AHAHAHAHAHAH! That's classic!

What? He's not so bad.

Not so bad? No, not so bad when wrestling chumps more his speed. I walked all over him like some cheap rug before I pinned his unpretty ass!

Jeez... Even in death you're an asshole.

WHAT!?!?! How dare you call the Vain One an asshole! I was winning World Titles when you were still jerking off to your mom's Sears catalogs! If I were alive I'd knock your head off!

Yeah, but you're not. And who's fault is that?

Oooohh!!! Get the hell out of here you snot-nosed little piss ant! You're gonna lose, you and that cop prick! I hope you both get totally humiliated by that gold-toothed herpes factory and the second rate Gerardo!

Brian starts walking out of the building with a tear welling up in his eye as Vanity continues to berate him. Vanity's laughter echoes in Brian's ears as he walks out of the Hall and heads back to his apartment. But how will he fall asleep now?

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