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Date Posted: 13:33:55 04/14/03 Mon
Author: Doctrine Dark
Subject: To Meet The Latin Lover

( Doctrine Dark walks into his apartment after his first ever promo)
D.Dark I hope that just didn't give me away the other assassin's out after me.

( Then Doctrine sees the red light flashing on his phone, so he pushes the button then he hears the Latin Lover's voice say )

Latin Lover: Yo...Uumm...Doctrine Dark? Yeah...It's me...The Latin Lover...Listen! I don't know what you want,shit! I don't even know you...heh heh...But that's cool. Listen...You wanna talk? If you do,meet me in the Juno Cafeteria at 12:00 PM tomorrow. I know you'll find me...I'll be surrounded by all my fans. Heh heh...Whatever...Uumm...Who are you? (LAUGHS) Nah forget it man don't bother answering that question on the phone...I'll find out when I find out. Uumm...Latah.

D.Dark: !2:00 PM in the Juno Cafeteria tomorrow I be there, but then again I got this yesterday and it's only 10:00 am I has two hours to get ready hmmm........... I need to take a shower........ well not now to many important things going on. No matter I must meet this Latin Lover .....

( Then Doctrine Dark says...... ( The Cafeteria Away ) in his best superman voice he can do)

( 20 min. later)

D.Dark: Ah the Cafeteria this is where it all starts me the great Assassin Doctrine Dark and the Latin Lover, and I made record time too it's 11:00 PM but I don't see any fans.... ah hamburgers.

Cafeteria Lady: Yes what may I do for you?

( Doctrine Dark points to the hambugers)

Cafeteria Lady: I'm sorry but those are for President - Xavier "X" Channel.

D.Dark: I want a Hambuger, and I want one now!!

Cafeteria Lady: I'm Sorry sir but I can't

( Just then Doctrine Dark lashes on a chain that wraps out around the Cafeteria Lady's neck and he pull's her him ans he starts to yell at her, but at this time the Latin Lover walks in and looks around he see no fans but he see D.Dark yelling at the Cafeteria Lady, and he says)

The Latin Lover: That must be him

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