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Date Posted: 13:52:58 04/14/03 Mon
Author: Shay
Subject: It's Shay Time

( Shay is getting ready while listening to his Song ( Fat Lip by Sum 41). he's in his baby blue Tai Kawn Do pants, and he starts to put on his shrit when he sees his old maverick shirt with the ace of clubs on it.)

Shay: Ah yes the good old days I thought the Maverick we're going to be big but it died out just like the Unstables and the BCM but right now I have a one man stable I call it Shay time. I was kind of a clown last season but now it's my time to rise and others to fall just like this Doctrine Dark will. I may not know alot about this assassin so he calls himself but still between me and him I will win no matter the cost.

( Nevt he sees his good friend Mr. Kendo)

Shay: Mr. Kendo I hate to say this, but I just might have to put you away...... nah not now who knows what that fucken assassin has of weapon I have to keep up my gaurd.

( Then his music shuts off)

Shay: Hey who killed the music.

( Shay truns around to see his son Kim next to his brand now Getto Blaster 5000.)

Kim: Dad what are you doing?

Shay: Remembering the old times.... real long old times

Kim: Ashley bought two tickets for tonight.

Shay: Lets me see those, hmm... say what in the 40th row 16 to the right, fuck that here that these

( Shay pulls two ring side set and hands them to Kim)

Shay: Yo be cheering for me

Kim: Oh I will and Cabbie Klowaski too.

Shay: I need to meet this Cabbie eveybody loves and maybe have a beer so I can see how much he like Korean beer.

( Shay tell Kim to find Ashley and get head out there and then Shay leaves right after Kim.)

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