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Date Posted: 00:05:32 04/05/03 Sat
Author: Ken Wild
Subject: The buyers

After two straight weeks Ken Wild hasn't won a match. Brian Von Braun managed to embarrass Ken Wild again! Wild hasn't won a match since last season when he beat Brisbane. Now Wild looks for a win against Shay. The scene opens showing Wild, Paco and two buyers in an empty apartment in the Juno Ghetto. Wild sits in a wooden chair, he's dressed in a black jump suit. A tooth pick dances around his teeth. Paco sits about a few feet away from Wild. Paco guards the duffle bag filled with Coke. From the distance Wild is in he can't really get a clear shot at the buyers face. The other dealer is dressed in a white suit, his hair is gelled back. The dealer in the far back corner of the table stands on his feet and slams the case full of money on the table. Wild begins to smile as he reaches across the table and procures the case.

Ken Wild: Look gentle men it's been great doing business. Paco if you can pass down the duffle bag you will find 400 pounds of the greatest cocaine in the Juno Ghetto. Know we'll be on our way.....

Buyer #1: Are you sure your not fucking playing with our heads? People been telling me about you Kenny. They tell me how your a bad dealer. They tell me you don't know your own shit. But I'll tell you something..... I know where you live and if your fucking me over I'll kill you. Hey, Mike! Take the bag in the room and make sure it's 400 pounds. You can count the money if you want, 10 grand right?

Paco: You tell us ass hole. If your fucking with our money then I'll put a hot bullet right up that ass hole.

The buyer steps forth into the lamp with his gun pointing towards Paco. Wild drops the tooth pick and quickly plays a role of a peacemaker but doesn't succeed. Paco shoves Wild but Wild grabs him by the collar and pins him down to his seat. The buyer sits back as he pauses with his gun pointing at Paco and Wild.

Ken Wild: Hey, amigo put the fucking gun away. Christ, your giving me a fucking heart attack.

Mike makes his way back into the room with the duffle bag. He places the duffle bag on the table and whispers into his partners ear. Wild smacks Paco upside the head and begins to speak.

Ken Wild: Hey, aren't you going to count it? For all we know they can be the ones fucking us over.

Buyer #1: Now why would you think something like that.

Ken Wild: Cause your black.

Paco: Dammit! Here take the fucking money and count it. Why is it that you always have to make it an issue? You know what it doesn't even matter, 10 grand. This can solve all your fucking problems. Maybe you can quit the Wrestling crap. It can even solve your fucking gambling problems.

Mike: Shut up both of you! Now one more thing. Do you by any chance sell dime bags? Or maybe you sell them in ounces?

Ken Wild: Are you fucking serious? Selling weed? You two must be the dumbest mother fuckers to ever buy. What do we look like? Look we don't sell that small shit around here. I wanna get paid all ready so I can be set after I'm through with my wrestling career.

Paco: Fuck this! I'm not going to count all this money. But if I find a single dollar missing I'm going to come after your ass. Now go take your duffle bag..... Wait here take our business card. Tell some of your friends.

Mike: You take your shit out, we live here.

Wild grabs the suit case and makes his way across room and out the door. Paco slowly follows Wild as the scene fades out.

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