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Date Posted: 02:32:20 04/05/03 Sat
Author: The Latin Lover
Subject: Visitting Some Old "Friends"

*** The scene fades in on The Latin Lover walking into a dark,dark room. With a flick of the wrist the lights come on,and now the scene has TRULY faded in. The Latin Lover now stands in the doorway of RWF's Hall of Fame with a glorious smile on his face. Double L is dressed sharply tonight,as usual. All decked out in black with pink tie,black shades with pink hankerchief. Double L has come to this wing of the RWF building to finish "unfinished" business. Such as it is...Really though,I don't know. ***

Latin Lover
The Hall of Fame...finally! Now it's time to see what this place is truly about.

*** Double L walks further into the hall. Behind thick velvet ropes sit pictures and plaques of past RWF "superstars". ***

Latin Lover
Bunch of losers! My face should be up on these walls!

*** Walking further and further,past some statues and more plaques,Double L reaches his destination. ***

Latin Lover
Finally...The head honcho himself!

*** This is truly a sad day,a sad day indeed. ***

Latin Lover
After all this time,after all those years. Dav,Dav Pinnick! We finally meet...Again! How are you man? Good? How's the wife and kids? Listen,I don't know if you know it..but..I'm RWF's Worlds Champion. Meaning..I'M your worlds champion. Why man,why? How come you didn't give me that chance..huh? Why didn't you just give me the chance that every other wrestling promotion gave me? What..did you hate me? Wasn't I burning the independent circuit up with my flash and charisma? Wasn't I THEE most coveted young superstar out there at that time? Jeez man..it didn't have to be like that. I LOVED RWF!!! I loved it because of guys like Caladan..guys like Memnock! Guys like Hawaiian Superman and Destroyer! I could have been one of those guys! DAMN YOU DAV,DAMN YOU WELL!!! I loved this place...RWF WAS the shit back then. But now..it IS SHIT!!! Without me..there is no RWF. And now..with the both of us finally meeting one another I can finally tell YOU..to..Go To Hell!!! If you're not already there. Dav Pinnick,you can suck my spanish dick!

*** With a hop over the velvet rope seperating him and the portrait of Dav,Double L grabs the portrait and begins kicking it,punching it and spitting on it! Within minutes,the portrait is torn asunder! ***

Latin Lover
Fuck you Dav! Fuck you Seether! Fuck you Destroyer! I have NO LOVE for you guys anymore! You didn't help me,so I'm not helping THIS PLACE OUT!!! I hope that you ALL rot in hell with DAV and his family! RRRAAARRR!!!

*** Double L is thrashing about wildly! He knocks down the velvet rope and falls on his ass. He rises quickly,grabs his collar and gains composure once again. He chuckles and then walks out of the Hall of Fame wing without hesitation. As the camera pans around,it fades out on the shredded portrait of Dav Pinnick,former owner of RWF. ***

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