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Subject: What's Your's Is Mine - Baby

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Date Posted: 21:05:01 08/25/09 Tue
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:.Alicia, we've got company.:." on 06:00:53 07/23/09 Thu

Alicia allowed her hand to touch his own, the mental brush obviously no longer enough to ease his rugged edges. Lips that had grown a hue lighter were pressed tightly together as she shook her head slightly at his mental message, she sadly had grown use to the mess though the thanks was welcomed and noted for later. Listening to Tarot as she began walking about their kitchen and tugging drawers open her and there, Alicia allowed her hand to remain where it was and her mental urge to stop her wanderings at bay – the woman was trying to help, even if she was doing a rude job of it. Smiling brighter now, though it was a tad strained. She’d done her best to ignore the pendant and the ginger, which had been a pixie precaution, had seemingly helped. Though she felt the tug of it the longer she was around, which was odd, there was no blood from the other’s within her – or was there? The remembrance of Brillian and her’s transfusion came back to Alicia and she did her best not to blanch as she realized she could easily be as screwed with Zeth if the thing was programmed smart enough. She held mental powers and while telekinesis was not real power and magic, it could be said to be of the same category too. She’d have to worry about that later, for now her attention was turned towards the red haired woman who was – despite her wish to – offering to help save their ‘lives’ by risking her own.

“The fact we are lucky enough to have even mild knowledge of the thing is a benefit. I have a sinking feeling I know who we need to approach, and thanks to my little ‘connection’ with her I’d say Brillian dropped into town not long ago.” The blonde of course did not know how literally her statement had been. “For now though I want to thank you for the help. I know you rather not give it and I can’t say I blame you. Though is there anything else I can get, give, or offer for the night to make this experiment any easier?” She didn’t realize her hand had begun to grip Zeth’s during this conversation, but upon noting it now she lessened her hold and fortitude her own walls and bulked up the happy aura she projected. The thing obviously wasn’t after her – yet, and from the sounds of things Tarot did seem the nicest treat…though she rather not think of that on a physical level.

“We should all go to bed. We’ll need our rest for whatever trouble comes next.” The fact that she didn’t need to sleep but her body craved it was still annoying. It took her literally forcing her mind into a near coma like state to slumber. In this since she almost wished she’d been granted vampirism at least then she’d have been able to conk out in a coma, though the sun would’ve been a problem then and she very much enjoyed the sun during daylight. “Zeth?” She turned to him as if asking what she could do for him or what he needed or if he agreed on all that was said.

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I sowwie I disappearedZeth11:24:16 09/07/09 Mon

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