It had taken a lot of mental control and restraint not to lash out at the child that bore the blood of her husband and lover. She’d been no match for him alone, but seeing as how she could not, would not die – even after attempts – Alicia had been willing to risk the danger had it not been for Ashena and Tarot’s involvement. Ashena was a simple human, despite her blood connection to Zeth. Something the blonde was still working to accept, but knew there was nothing she could do to change it. She’d gone to the loft apartment, smelled the scents there, though no one had been present. She knew what must have occurred or at least thought she did. The thought made her sick to her stomach but she’d had little time to dwell on the matter. Zeth had turned up outside of the establishment, stumbling, drugged, weak, and naked. She’d quickly gotten them back to the warehouse apartment and Zeth tucked into their comfy bed. Screw Egyptian cotton it could keep, if not she’d sleep with plain Jane wool for all she cared now that he was back. The smells still haunted her, the memories of past affairs, the long and lonely nights alone. She’d swore she’d never let it cripple her again – but she didn’t want to go through it again either.
Zeth had requested soup so she’d gone to the kitchen to get it ready for him. He’d stepped outside and another was approaching. From the aura and mental waves given it was human and familiar. Ashena. Deciding to let them spend a moment’s grace alone to catch up Alicia busied herself in the kitchen. Making soup, some toast, and even a hard-boiled egg. The joys of being telekinetic – one could do more than one thing at a time. Finished she set the items on the table then went back to the bedroom and silently began to take off the soiled sheets. They needed to be washed – she’d donate them to the good will afterwards. Zeth had come home to her, was her’s, and yet she felt a part of him missing as if the drug had left him in a haze wanting or wishing for something or someone she could not be. The feeling hurt but it eased each time his arms came around her – each time he reached out to touch her in the night, assuring himself and her, that they were still there. She only hoped it remained.