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Date Posted: 10:55:00 01/13/03 Mon
Author: Marz and Dalo
Subject: What happened?

Marz was conscious when Naiomi confided in Tristan, but he didn't understand a word of what they discussed. He couldn’t think clearly enough to remember his own name at the moment, so how could he possibly follow a conversation? The rapid drawing of his energy left him too weak and confused to do anything but lie still while his body worked to heal itself.

A loud crash made him flinch; the simple action sent another wave of awful pain through him. He mumbled something incoherent when he became aware of arms wrapping around him in an effort to comfort. Energy seemed to flow into him, aiding his own body with the healing process. A whispered voice sounded in his ear before a gentle kiss was placed on his mouth.

Tristan His soulmate's name finally made it past his confused mental state, bringing a hint of a smile to his parched lips. The comforting arms pulled away; he wanted to cry out for their return but couldn't form the words. After a bit of a struggle he finally got his eyes to open then slowly worked his way into a sitting position. He latched onto a pillow for stability when the room went into a horrid spin, making his nauseous. Marz slammed his eyes shut and waited for the awful sensation of vertigo to cease before he slid them open again.

At first, blurred vision prevented him from distinguishing anything in the room. Several minutes passed before the walls, window, door, and furniture came into focus. He frowned when he didn't recognize any of the items in the bedroom. Obviously, he wasn't in his new mansion or one of the rooms at the Medieval Tavern. When he tried to remember where he was and what had landed him in bed in such a weakened state, his head started to throb. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the headboard, deciding it was best not to force the memories right now.

Marz dozed off until the sound of Tristan's voice woke him. When their eyes met his soulmate asked how he felt and if he remembered what happened to him. Before he could form an answer, Tristan leaned down to kiss him, and Marz's arms automatically wrapped around him. Once their lips parted, his lover began talking again. Although it was still a bit difficult to think clearly, Marz was now able to understand what was being said. I almost didn’t come back from where? he wanted to ask, but stayed quiet until Tristan stopped talking.

"I don't know what happened, Tris." He played with a strand of his lover's hair while thinking back to the last thing he remembered. "We're in Neromba!" That realization seemed to surprise him. "We were talking to Alakbar's sister then some priests walked in and…and everything's blank after that."

Once again he tried to force the memories to return, but gave up when his headache intensified. "My body feels too warm for a soak in hot water, but I am hungry, and really thirsty. It'd be nice if you'd bring me a plate of food and some juice. While I eat you could tell me what the hell happened." He took a quick look around the room then cocked his head at Tristan. "Where's everyone else? Did something happen to them? Am I the only one that got injured somehow?"


When Dalo saw Naiomi rush to the bar in an obvious state of panic, he jumped to his feet but was stopped by a mental message from Tristan before he could hurry to her side. He gave the dragon a curious look then reclaimed his seat at the table. As he sipped from a glass of mead, he watched the pair intently. He knew something was bothering Naiomi yet he couldn't sense what the problem might be since she continued to keep herself shielded from him.

Concern filled him when he saw his beautiful dragoness gulping down firewyne. His jaw dropped after she snatched the cigarette from Tristan's hand, his eyes bulging from shock when she took a deep drag. This was not the way his beloved Naiomi acted. Something was definitely bothering her, and it didn't look as if Tristan was helping the situation.

Dalo got to his feet again after Naiomi rested her head in her arms and began to cry. Was she in pain, and if she was why in hades hadn't she told him about it so he could get a healer to take a look at her? He watched Tristan lift Naiomi into his arms, carrying her to where he stood. Dalo wiped the tears from her face before he took her into his arms.

“I’ll get a room,” Tristan said. Dalo nodded then hugged Naiomi closer, wishing she would take down her shields so that he could get an idea of what she was feeling. He followed Tristan into a room, gingerly placing Naiomi on the bed before sitting down beside her.

Tristan brushed a piece of hair off her face and spoke to her softly. “Just try to stay calm for now. I know you’re frightened, and confused, and…lost. But right now, I don’t know what I can do to help you. You have to trust me on this. Just wait here with Dalo until Erlic comes back; he’s the only person I know of who might know what’s wrong with you. Okay?”

What the hell is going on? the beastmaster wondered. He certainly didn't understand why Tristan thought that Erlic was the only one who could help Naiomi. Before he could ask for an explanation, Tristan stopped him with a shake his head.

“Ask her,” the dragon said. “She needs you, or should need you, more than anyone else. A friend is good, but a lover is better. And I need to get back to mine.”

Dalo was too worried about Naiomi to get upset about hearing Tristan call Marz his lover. If the two of them wanted to continue their unholy union that was their business. He was tired of trying to get Tristan to see reason when it came to Marz Nightcrawler. His past advice earned him nothing but scorn from the dragon that he desperately wanted to become close friends with once upon a time. Now, Tristan had Marz and apparently didn't need or want anyone else. The beastmaster believed that such an addiction to one person was very unhealthy but kept his opinion to himself.

Once Tristan left the room, Dalo pulled Naiomi into his arms. "Tell me what's wrong," he begged. "Why are you still shielded from me? I'd understand what you're going through better if you'd let me feel again. If I understood I might be able to help in some way."

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