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Date Posted: 11:59:05 03/25/03 Tue
Author: Soran, Marz, Jeremy
Subject: Let the good times roll

Soran let out a wolf whistle then applauded along with the rest of the guests after Ravin and Kyri were pronounced husband and wife. As he watched the couple make their way to the dance area, he wondered what it felt like to be in love. The concept of committing to one person for the rest of your life seemed quite challenging considering the sexual nature of most people. He frowned, thinking about the tricks he picked up while working the streets. The bastards probably promised their wives or lovers that they'd be forever faithful yet they were out paying hookers a few times a week to take care of their needs. He wouldn't be surprised to learn that their significant others were getting a little sexual action on the side as well.

The world seemed to be made up of people whose thoughts were mainly consumed by sex or power. So, where do I fit in? He hated sex, possibly because he'd never experienced true passion before. For years he'd been nothing but a tool for sex crazed morons to use for their own pleasure. All he had to do was stand there and let the jerks grope him and plunge their tongues down his throat until they were ready to release the passion that finally overwhelmed them. Soran couldn't understand the appeal of sex, but he fully understood power. Powerful people were rich people; becoming wealthy enough to live out the rest of his life in complete comfort was his main goal.

Rowan tore him from his reverie when he hauled him to his feet. After another quick sip of wine he set the glass down, stumbling just a bit as he followed the elf to the dance area. The effects of little pill he swallowed earlier began to kick in, blanketing him in utter tranquility that was a blessed relief from the tenseness that normally gripped him.

Soran laughed after Rowan informed him that he'd kiss him each time he stepped on his feet. His present state of mind prevented him from finding anything wrong with kissing the elf; in fact, the idea seemed quite appealing. A sheepish grin played upon his lips when Rowan's arms slid around his waist to pull his closer. He rested his hands on the elf's shoulders then did his best to follow Rowan's lead as he eased them across the dance area.

His glazed green eyes remained riveted on the elf's face, spurts of laughter falling from his mouth whenever he accidentally stepped on his foot. "Oops, sorry," he muttered a number of times. Instead of chastising him for his clumsiness, Rowan pulled him a bit closer before bringing up the stolen chain he wore around his neck.

“So you plan on selling that chain yourself, hmm? You sure are stubborn, you know that? You’d make a good thief if you just tried to use that head of yours more often. Maybe that’s where I come in, huh?”

Soran nodded, his hands unconsciously sliding under Rowan's hair to rest at the nape of his neck. "Well yeah. You're my teacher now so it's your job to teach me how to use my head as well as my sword arm." He pressed his forehead against Rowan's and closed his eyes, the gentle movement of their bodies lulling him into a deeper state of relaxation.

When the song finally came to an end he pulled away from the elf, strangely missing the warmth of the physical contact they shared. A slight shiver ran up his spine after Rowan's lips met his for a brief, gentle kiss. He didn't have time to wonder about that though because the elf immediately turned his attention to the wedding guests after tossing an arm around his shoulders.

“See anything you like yet? Or are you so impressed with my dancing you can’t possibly fathom a turn with anyone else at the moment?”

Soran leaned against the elf while his eyes surveyed the crowd. The small group of young, female vultures he spotted earlier smiled at him from one of the many food tables set up at the southern portion of the camp. Although he felt pretty damned comfortable right where he was, he decided it might be a good idea to ask someone else to dance. Rowan probably didn't want him hanging all over him all night anyway, especially when there were so many pretty people available for him to hit on.

"Guess I'll catch ya later, Ro," he quipped, slipping out from under the elf's arm. Somehow he managed to walk relatively straight as he made his way over to the horde of girls that began giggling excitedly at his approach. "Anybody wanna dance?"

All eight of the young girls jumped up at once and immediately began arguing amongst themselves. "I get to dance with him first," one said. "What makes you so special?" anther cried.

Soran watched them bicker for a while then shrugged and turned away, hurrying over to the table where he'd left his wine. He straddled the bench while sipping the drink, watching the festivities over the rim of his glass. When he caught sight of Jeremy and Cas sailing across the dance area, he remembered promising the demon boy a dance. He gulped down more wine, staggering a bit now as he headed toward the pair.


Marz smirked while watching Tristan practically inhale the food on his plate. Apparently, he wasn't exaggerating when he said he was starving. Hopefully, his lover would slow down before he made himself sick or something because that would definitely ruin the fun filled evening he looked forward to enjoying.

He shook his head at the capsule Jeremy offered him but readily accepted the cigarette. Marz wasn't much of a smoker, but he really enjoyed the sweet taste of the cigarettes the otherworldly youth passed out like candy. Surprisingly, he never ran out of the things thanks to Mad Max. After the alchemist did something to the backpack carrying all sorts of items from Jeremy's world, the damned thing magically restocked itself each night.

After scarfing down the rest of the beef on his plate, Marz lit the cigarette, sucking the smoke deep into his lungs. He stretched out his long legs and focused on the rest of the wedding ceremony, a smile crossing his lips once he heard Ravin and Kyri say their I do's. He had a hard time understanding why the couple had separated in the first place since they, obviously, never stopped loving one another.

Marz shouted out words of congratulations along with the others once the bride and groom ended their long kiss. Just as he finished the cigarette, Tristan pulled him to his feet and wasted no time dragging him to the dance area. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around his soulmate pulling him close and nibbling on his ear as their bodies moved in time to the music. Marz had no idea that his sudden mellow mood was brought on by Jeremy's cigarette.

He laughed when Tristan mentioned the second chakra. "I'm not handling it as well as you think I am. Erlic's helping me out somehow via the magic link we share. Honestly, I can't wait to close the damned thing because I don't need any help in getting sexually aroused." A low moan escaped him after Tristan crushed their lips together for an enticing kiss. "Keep that up and I'll drag you back to that tent," he whispered once the kiss ended.

His head snapped sideways when someone tapped his shoulder. Two very pretty Rover girls smiled at him and his lover. It took him a minute to remember that their names were Breeze and Lycra. Breeze wasn't ashamed to admit to anyone that she'd been harboring a major crush on him since he met her over a year ago, and Lycra seemed pretty interested in Tristan at the last Rover function they attended.

"Can we cut in?" Breeze asked.

Normally Marz enjoyed dancing with a number of different partners but tonight he had the second chakra to worry about plus he didn't want to risk another possible argument with Tristan. "Maybe later." He noticed the disappointed looks that crossed their faces before they walked away.

His arms tightened around Tristan as he gazed into his eyes. "Do you want us to share a few dances with some of the guests or do you want me all to yourself?" He grinned and kissed his lover's cheek. "You're in charge tonight, babe, so tell me what you'd prefer to do."


Jeremy took another drag from his cigarette and frowned. He wasn't having any luck picking up any of the cute Rover girls yet. None of them seemed to appreciate his strange looks but he knew without a doubt that they'd warm up to him once they had a few drinks. The night was still young; he simply had to be patient. And, if he didn't score later on, he could always rely on Rowan. He giggled while sucking more smoke into his lungs. Even if the elf picked up someone tonight, he probably wouldn't mind a threesome!

He stared at the elf as he made his way across the dance area with a very relaxed looking Soran in his arms. Lucky bastard! Just as he started to daydream about the three of them getting it on together, Cas nudged him in the ribs and asked if he wanted to dance. "Sure," he chirped, snuffing out the smoke and getting to his feet.

After he wrapped his arms around Cas, he realized he didn't know a damned thing about the older youth except that he shared an apartment with Eremis. He knew that the healer had turned to prostitution to support his drug habit but Cas didn't look like he had any such addiction. "Do you have a job in the city?" he finally asked. "And with Eremis gone are you gonna look for a new roommate to help you pay his portion of the rent on that apartment you guys share?"

Before Cas could answer, Soran appeared and tapped his shoulder. "I'm cuttin' in cause I promised you a dance."

Jeremy raised a brow. "What about me?"

Soran shrugged then pulled Cas into his arms and spirited him away from the otherworldly youth. The scowl that crossed Jeremy's face was replaced by a grin once he searched the crowd, and found Rowan. As he rushed toward the elf, eight, young, very pretty Rover girls suddenly besieged him.

"Do you know that blonde guy?" one asked. "I think his name's Soran. Do you know where he lives? Is he dating anyone right now? Can you give us his address?"

Jeremy pointed at Rowan. "Well, that's his uncle." He laughed aloud then followed after the girls who made a mad dash toward the elf.


Soran grinned then apologized to Cas for the third time for stepping on his foot. "You don't get much experience at this shit when you're trying to survive life on the streets, so I suck at dancing. How about we sit the rest of the dance out and drink instead?"

When Cas gave him a nod, he pulled away and led the youth to the liquor table. They grabbed a couple bottles of wine before making their way to the edge of the clearing, plopping down in front of a tall oak tree.

"We got a great view of everything from here," Soran quipped, while popping the cork from his bottle. He forgot that Jeremy told him not to drink too much after taking that pill. After a sip of wine he whipped his mouth in a sleeve then fingered the chain around his neck and faced Cas.

"How much you think we'll get for this jewelry on the black market? The shit looks pretty expensive to me." He cocked his head, a slow grin spreading across his mouth. "Whatta you gonna do with the money you make? I think I'm gonna buy me a better sword, and maybe even a dagger than I can wear on my arm."

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