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Date Posted: 15:38:42 03/27/03 Thu
Author: Lyla
Subject: Dancing With Corum

Lyla giggled when Corum introduced her to his staff. She thought it kind of cute that he named the thing. Smiling, she faced the staff and curtsied. "Nice to meet you, Yorik." Lyla gulped when the gems embedded in the skull's eye sockets glowed softly. Half a dozen questions ran through her mind. Did the staff possess magic powers? Was the wood enchanted? Did it house a nymph or demon? Could Corum be a mage? Am I imagining things?

That had to be it! The small cup of moonshine she'd stolen right out from under the nose of a rover made her delusional. I shouldn't have gulped it down so quickly! How many times had her mother lectured her on the evils of strong liquor? Right then and there, she decided to stick with drinking wine because wine supposedly didn't mess up a person's brain cells as quickly as that awful tasting moonshine.

She tore her eyes away from the glowing gems and took hold of the hand Corum offered her. It felt strange to dance with a guy who insisted on keeping one hand wrapped around a staff while the other pressed against her lower back. Lyla frowned then smiled, placing her own hand over the one he gripped Yorik with, and letting the other hand rest on his shoulder.

Corum was at least 5 inches taller than her, but she always found it easier to dance with a taller man. He had adorable, puppy brown eyes and long brown hair that parted down the center, sweeping softly across his temples. She found herself smiling again as she gazed upon his face, noting thick eyebrows, a strong nose, and cute lips that constantly quirked into a grin.

"So tell me more about yourself," he said, pulling her a little closer.

"Well...I'm a year older than the last time you saw me." That certainly was a stupid way to start off a conversation! "What I meant to say is that I've grown up a lot since then." She remembered how she used to flirt with all the handsome guys at the Fighter's Guild, practically throwing herself at them nearly all the time. Of course she never got very far because her mother always arrived at the most inopportune moment to make certain her daughter remained a virgin. Her overly flirtatious ways came to an end when she was almost raped by one of the ten savage gang members that broke into the guild one day. A near rape had a way of changing a young girl's mind about tossing her body at men so freely.

"About a year ago, the Fighter's Guild got attacked by a number of street thugs. After that my mother allowed me to take sword lessons so I'd know how to defend myself." Her hand moved up to twirl a soft strand of Corum's hair between her fingers. "We moved out of the guild a couple of months ago when my mother was offered more money to cook at the Elegant Eagle Inn, a fancy place on the far north side. We get free room and board there too.

As soon as the slow song ended she grabbed Corum's hand and pulled him to a table. "Let's sit and have a glass of wine. It's your turn to tell me what you've been up to for the past year."

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