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A radio station can't turn on my radio. I have to take a voluntary action to invite the signal into my home, and if I decide I don't want it in my home anymore, I turn it off... and it stays off. In contrast, a telemarketer can reach into my house and make my phone ring. Sure I can hang up on them. But then they can call back, and the cycle begins again, invading my implied right to privacy. It can only end with some variation on a government-enforced DNC list. -- "Vince From Villanova" (Come on in, the water's fine.), 06:30:59 07/06/03 Sun
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Yeah Rich, average per day unique visits for this page has fallen to around 600. Not nearly the interest level one might expect. Given the tone of some of the posts it's no wonder. -- Surf, 08:11:28 07/06/03 Sun
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