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Subject: Aliens Visiting

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Date Posted: 20:16:56 11/17/03 Mon
Author Host/IP:

I don't really have any questions for your mission here on earth but I was wondering if you could tell us why we are being visited by other aliens that are not so friendly and what is the Creator doing to prevent these abductions and genetic tampering. Recently, I have had some very strange experiences which I do not wish to go into detail. If you have some explanation could you please share it with me.

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[> Subject: Re: Aliens Visiting

Ancient One
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Date Posted: 16:43:41 11/18/03 Tue
Author Host/IP:

>I don't really have any questions for your mission
>here on earth but I was wondering if you could tell us
>why we are being visited by other aliens that are not
>so friendly and what is the Creator doing to prevent
>these abductions and genetic tampering. Recently, I
>have had some very strange experiences which I do not
>wish to go into detail. If you have some explanation
>could you please share it with me.


Hi Janie,

With the present destroy, conquer, kill, control, power tripping military attitudes that exist all over this world & if the governments of planet Earth, had the scientific capability to build star ships that could travel at the speed of light, just how do you think that Earth governments would treat the inhabitants of any planet that they found in their star ship journeys ??


The CREATOR does not prevent alien abductions for the same reason that he doesn't prevent human from slautering & torturing each other... IT'S CALLED FREE WILL !

FREE WILL exists on all planets in creation & even in heaven itself...

If you are personally having some problem with not so friendly aliens, as you hinted, there are things you can do to end any problems like that...

Do not let fear predominate your thoughts...

Make a sincere prayer to your Creator to give you the grace to fill you with His peace & love...
You may not know that you do have a "guardian angel"... BUT you do... Call upon your guardian angel to free you from all fear & protect you from all harm from any source, human or alien, visible or in-visible...

Let me know if this ends your problems.. It should if you do the above things very sincerely...

Ancient One

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