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Date Posted: Monday, November 10, 04:20:10pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-102-186-184.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Yeah, I do...
In reply to: Lij 's message, "So there is going to be a one-off special of Sherlock...." on Monday, November 10, 05:56:13am

That was a good episode.

FRINGE was the last fandom I was involved in. Anymore it doesn't matter to me about discussing episodes. Like you there are very few that I watch. Much of it seems to be on ABC anymore.

3 on Sunday - The Good Wife, Resurrection, and Revenge.

3 on Monday - Sleepy Hollow, The Black List, and Castle.

2 on Tuesday - Marvel's AoS and Person of Interest.

Wednesday is a wash though I try to catch Law & Order: SVU and Nashville (gotta see what happens to the gay guy there)

Thursday is the big night with 5! Vampire Diaries (has me hooked!), Scandal, How To Get Away with Murder, Elementary and Parenthood, which ends this year.

Friday I don't like to miss Grimm, Hawaii Five-0, and maybe Constantine.

Trying to finish out Haven and White Collar as both are in their last season.

I think when a show really inspires you then one generally takes to the Net for a fandom. If I had gotten into one for The Blacklist or Person of Interest I would be there today because they are both so very much engrossing. But I can watch a show without the fandom. And I discuss them every so often with friends and cousins.

But they better not get in the way of me going fishing!!!

. . .

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[> It may not be at Christmas - Dang-it!!!!! -- Lij, Wednesday, November 19, 07:21:32am (adsl-99-137-200-24.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/


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