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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 20, 10:57:23pm
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-245.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: It's a glorious evening out there.

Practicing gardening therapy tonight with Ali as we weeded the raised veggie beds out back. Seedlings doing good, we seem to be on track for another hot and dry summer again so have told the dogs they should enjoy their lusciously green front yard while they can since we only ever water veggies and the few potted plants on the kitchen deck.

How is everyone/anyone? Aside from Casey needing 25 stitches to close up two large skin tears (showing off speed and careening into a tree stump while out on our usual woods walk) and Ali hitting a raccoon (and doing >$1000 of damage to the left front end of her car) while driving home from work this past Saturday night, it's been a pretty good month. Top it off with the excellent "The Flash" finale last night and I have no real complaints other than the rather militarized looking wasps who hang out in the back yard and give us the heebie-jeebies. Bees=good, wasps who look like Schwarzenegger wanna-bees, not so much.

Oh and we did go see Age of Ultron a little while back. It was ok but we may be getting a little tired of the current MCU. Well, outside of Cap 3 and the second Guardians movie that is. As much as I love movies, lacking a local cinema anymore makes going to anything other than a really enjoyable movie something of a chore, dammit.

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[> That must have been a big coon. -- Lij, Wednesday, May 20, 11:29:14pm (adsl-99-137-201-134.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

Not much going on here.

You must have our heat. Dang cold here, I had to turn the heat on last night to keep from shivering in bed. Going to be cold again tonight 44*F and 46*F tomorrow night. I'm hoping all the corn we planted a week ago isn't rotting in the ground from the cold and damp. There's even a farmer on the local TV news right now complaining about the cold weather! Corn & soybeans just don't grow at these low temperatures. Add to that corn is under $4/bushel and beans are under $10/bushel; you'd think with this bad weather someone would be bidding the crop up.

Your wasps sound like hornets.

. . .

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[> [> Apparently it was very large. -- AS, Wednesday, May 20, 11:38:36pm (d154-20-59-245.bchsia.telus.net/

Also her Matrix is low and basically plastic in the front anyhow...we were camping in Parksville when it happened and a friend's dad helped her out by using a bungee cord to hold up the bumper.

Mom has complained of the cold too, I know when we talked about how the weather was doing back there ten days ago, she said the leaves were barely out. Meanwhile out here most farmers in the area have already cut and baled their first hay crop and I have potato plants almost knee high from spuds we missed last year.

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[> One bit of trivia I realised last night -- AS, Sunday, May 24, 02:48:45pm (d154-20-59-245.bchsia.telus.net/

I was sitting looking at my online photo gallery for the last few months and saw the pic from the day we had snow. Specifically the 1/4" of snow we woke up to on the morning of November 28th. That was the total amount of snow we had here (specifically here, not Duncan or Nanaimo) for the winter of 2014. Compare that to enough snow on at least one occasion in the first winter after we moved here that caused flooding into our basement after the city plowed a furrow that streamed snowmelt right at the very sloping driveway to the door.

I hear there is a large pool of very warm water sitting off the west coast that has led to this warming trend. Either way, it's very easy to see change in the eight years we have been here.

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[> [> The reason you're warm is the reason..... -- Lij, Thursday, May 28, 02:58:36am (adsl-99-102-184-234.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

..... the American northeast has been cold and snowy.

It's still cool here and our corn has been planted for a month and it's not growing very well.

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