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Date Posted: Sunday, May 24, 02:48:45pm
Author: AS
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-245.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: One bit of trivia I realised last night
In reply to: AurraSing 's message, "It's a glorious evening out there." on Wednesday, May 20, 10:57:23pm

I was sitting looking at my online photo gallery for the last few months and saw the pic from the day we had snow. Specifically the 1/4" of snow we woke up to on the morning of November 28th. That was the total amount of snow we had here (specifically here, not Duncan or Nanaimo) for the winter of 2014. Compare that to enough snow on at least one occasion in the first winter after we moved here that caused flooding into our basement after the city plowed a furrow that streamed snowmelt right at the very sloping driveway to the door.

I hear there is a large pool of very warm water sitting off the west coast that has led to this warming trend. Either way, it's very easy to see change in the eight years we have been here.

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[> [> The reason you're warm is the reason..... -- Lij, Thursday, May 28, 02:58:36am (adsl-99-102-184-234.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

..... the American northeast has been cold and snowy.

It's still cool here and our corn has been planted for a month and it's not growing very well.

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