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Date Posted: Saturday, July 04, 11:17:35pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-137-203-148.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: I'm crazy...

So you're a character who died on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.... but that isn't the end. Other than the undead vampires, these characters died on BtVS and still managed to come around later.

Jenny Calendar set the pace. She was killed in her 12 episode, "Passion." But managed to return when conjured by Drusilla in Giles' mind in "Becoming: Part 2" and again as the First Evil to torture Angle in "Amends."

Mayor Richard Wilkins saw 11 episodes in the light of day before his demise as the 'giant snake' demon. But he came back in "Lessons" as a recorded message for Faith and in "Touched" as a manifestation of the First Evil.

One vampire deserves mention only because she did have an appreciable amount of time as a human on the show, and that would be Harmony Kendall. Harmony left the mortal coil in her 6th episode, "Graduation Day, Part 2." If you blinked you might have missed her being bitten during the vampire attack at the high school graduation. She then went on to appear in 9 more episodes of BtVS - and a further 17 episodes of Angel. Death did wonders for the character of Harmony.

Warren Meers is perhaps one of the more despised characters in the Buffyverse, but he still managed to return 5 times as a manifestation of the First Evil after his skinning by Willow in his 11th episode, "Villains."

Principal Snyder, who was perhaps unwittingly working in concert with the Mayor, was eaten by the Mayor as the big snake demon in his 18th episode, "Graduation Day: Part 2." He had one post-death cameo as the Colonel Kurtz character in Xanders "Apocalypse Now" dream in the episode "Restless."

Jonathan Levinson had a long run in BtVS, finally dying in his 26th episode, "Conversations with Dead People" at the hand of his 'friend' - Andrew Wells. He immediately popped up as a manifestation of the First Evil and did so for 3 more episodes in season 7.

The toughest one to see die was Buffy's mom, Joyce Summers. She been there for Buffy for 53 episodes when Buffy came home at the end of "I Was Made to Love You" and found her body. As "The Body" Joyce's death was the main focus of the next episode. Three of her last four appearances were all in the mind of Buffy, where they all represented what could be perceived failings by Buffy. First concerning Buffy's protection of Dawn, then during Buffy's demon-fueled nightmare of being crazy (Normal Again) and finally in a dream representing Buffy's doubts in "Bring on the Night." Appearing to Dawn in "Conversations with Dead People" Joyce represented a culmination of horror meant to wedge a divide between the Summers siblings by the First Evil.

But no mention of appearing on BtVS after one's death can stand up to Buffy Anne Summers herself. Buffy died in her 12th episode "Prophecy Girl" and was revived by Xander to go on for 130 episodes more. But then again she died in "The Gift" only to be resurrected from the grave (taken out of heaven) by Willow, Tara, Xander and Anya in "Bargaining: Part 1." Buffy's death was her bittersweet gift to her friends and Dawn so that the world could go on.

But now comes a question. Does the alternate reality of "The Wish" count? If so, then Cordelia could be said to have died in her 43 episode, only to return for 13 more of BtVS (and another 89 of Angel). Furthermore, the Master came back from his ground bones. And Buffy then died a third time, and the second time at the hands of the Master. Also, "The Wish" finds Xander and Willow now undead vampires and by the end of the episode dusted - Xander at the hands of Buffy and Willow dusted by Oz (metaphorically his revenge for Willow's feelings for Xander and presaging what was to come). The whole idea gets further complicated by the idea that 'Vampire Willow' shows up in "Dopplegangland" in 'normal reality' and yet is returned to the alternate reality of "The Wish" only to be dusted by Oz again!

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[> Not crazy but you did demonstrate something Joss was working into the show. -- AurraSing, Sunday, July 05, 01:57:04pm (d154-20-59-243.bchsia.telus.net/

When you think about it, he always had at least one character around that was dead (Angel or Spike) so he was showing even before all the carnage that death is not always the end. I'd like to think when we die our physical selves are turned into the building blocks for other forms of life (trees, grass,etc) so it's all part of the bigger cycle-Joss just views it as a chance to toss a little horror in!

Speaking of Joss, ran across this article today. I was never a fan of Dollhouse but this may appeal to those looking to view the series in whole new light-


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[> [> I remember reading the article he linked to way back when..... -- Lij, Monday, July 06, 09:09:07pm (adsl-108-67-89-95.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

Dollhouse freaked me out when it first came on because of the whole rape-culture thing, but I came to realize that it was a statement itself on the culture. That it could go further and be a statement itself on the whole actors vs. producers/directors Hollywood schtick started sinking in after I red the TigerBeatDown article when the whole Topher is Joss thing was brought up and I was thinking why the hell didn't I figure that out while the show was still ongoing (it had just been cancelled).

That made the whole blow-up over the MARVEL film seem even more childish (than it would have been without that knowledge of Joss' previous work concerning DOLLHOUSE). The whole PC thing gets old after a while anyway. I didn't much care for it when the lesbians got all pissed over the death of Tara and Willow going bad. I got pissed because it was too obvious a ploy!

BTW.... my mom loved DOLLHOUSE. X-Files really opened her mind to Sci-Fi and the wierd.


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