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Date Posted: Sunday, July 05, 01:57:04pm
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-243.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: Not crazy but you did demonstrate something Joss was working into the show.
In reply to: Lij 's message, "I'm crazy..." on Saturday, July 04, 11:17:35pm

When you think about it, he always had at least one character around that was dead (Angel or Spike) so he was showing even before all the carnage that death is not always the end. I'd like to think when we die our physical selves are turned into the building blocks for other forms of life (trees, grass,etc) so it's all part of the bigger cycle-Joss just views it as a chance to toss a little horror in!

Speaking of Joss, ran across this article today. I was never a fan of Dollhouse but this may appeal to those looking to view the series in whole new light-


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[> [> I remember reading the article he linked to way back when..... -- Lij, Monday, July 06, 09:09:07pm (adsl-108-67-89-95.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net/

Dollhouse freaked me out when it first came on because of the whole rape-culture thing, but I came to realize that it was a statement itself on the culture. That it could go further and be a statement itself on the whole actors vs. producers/directors Hollywood schtick started sinking in after I red the TigerBeatDown article when the whole Topher is Joss thing was brought up and I was thinking why the hell didn't I figure that out while the show was still ongoing (it had just been cancelled).

That made the whole blow-up over the MARVEL film seem even more childish (than it would have been without that knowledge of Joss' previous work concerning DOLLHOUSE). The whole PC thing gets old after a while anyway. I didn't much care for it when the lesbians got all pissed over the death of Tara and Willow going bad. I got pissed because it was too obvious a ploy!

BTW.... my mom loved DOLLHOUSE. X-Files really opened her mind to Sci-Fi and the wierd.


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