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Date Posted: Monday, October 10, 10:39:06pm
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: Well, we do live on the ring of fire, right??
In reply to: Lij 's message, "BC's Mt Meagher coming to life?" on Friday, October 07, 01:17:33am

We've been away on vacation (six nights on the Saanich peninsula and the long weekend in Tofino) and it was fascinating to watch Mt Baker from our camping spot. Many days it was host to clouds that lent it the air of smoking gently...am pretty sure it is a dormant or extinct volcano, right??

I think I read a follow up to this that pointed out that Meager currently shows no sign of true activity but it's safer to keep away at this stage in the odd chance a gas leak does occur-that's some truly nasty stuff.

Oh and one more thing, is it possible for small granules of coal to float? One of the beaches we were on over the weekend had some fine black granular deposits floating in puddles along the shore. Didn't look like plastic but did look a lot like coal, which we have seams of all over the place but I don't recall ever seeing this kind of thing on the beach before.

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[> Mt Baker is considered to be an active volcano... -- Lij, Tuesday, October 11, 07:29:26pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/




Yep, coal floats! Or it can have enough trapped gas to float or be light enough to stay out of the bed load of a stream. Depends on the rank of coal. Harder coals don't float.

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