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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 09, 04:55:26am
Author: AurraSing
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: I am so very, very sorry. *hugs*

All I can say about seeing the news in regards to election results tonight is that something is very, very wrong down there.

We decided to have a quiet, no tv night in order to avoid being deluged with election news (instead we watched Star Trek Beyond and frankly, it sucked) but of course we all checked the news before going to sleep and it didn't look good. It looks even worse now and as bad as we thought Brexit was, this is worse. What started out as what many thought was some kind of joke up here is now the new reality and it feels a lot like some kind of nightmare, am I right??

That being said, I guess it's clear that there is a lot less in common between our two neighbouring countries than I thought. We may have elected some less than great leaders in the past (hopefully Harper's ears are burning right now) but wow, this just blows me away. I hope things will be a lot less dire than some folks have predicted but any groups who either came under fire or has been ill treated in the past by the new leader down there do have a lot of cause for concern. The stock market took a huge plunge, hopefully another recession isn't in the works.

I dunno what else to say. It's been a rough month for me personally (huge issue in my side of the family that started in early October kind of affecting the rest of my life, basically myself and my brother plus youngest sister permanently estranged from our mother) and I have a funny feeling the rest of this year is going to be quiet and pretty gloomy for everyone. So let's hope for some peace, love and understanding all round, eh?

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[> So why did my post disappear??? -- Lij, Wednesday, November 09, 02:10:04pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

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[> Thanx.... -- Lij, Wednesday, November 09, 02:10:27pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

Clinton actually won the popular vote by about 180,000.

Honestly, Hillary Clinton was not the person that the Democrats should have had in the race. Neither was Bernie Sanders. Unless they can get a good, middle of the road person going for 2020, it will be a Republican again and I'd almost bet that the homophobe who is now the Vice President-elect will be the candidate (my ex-governor).

It's going to be a bad 4 years though.

I had a 3 inch pin that was put in when I broke my wrist in 2007 work its way out of my arm! I woke up to blood on the sheet and the pin just sitting on my arm.

Oh well....


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[> [> Managed to find it! -- Lij, Wednesday, November 09, 02:11:12pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

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[> [> It's a shit show -- AS, Thursday, November 10, 10:15:26am (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

Ali's first comment to me when she got up yesterday was to the effect of "nice to know we have confirmation that we live above a white supremacist nation". I told her I won't argue with that statement seeing as white males overwhelmingly helped elect that orange beast.

I've deleted or moved off most of my news sources or apps with sites I usually follow the news. Sticking with CBC and the BBC for the future, I think a lot of what I saw was pretty toxic over the past year and I just don't care to play that game anymore. Agreed that Hillary was not the choice I would have picked but am hearing that maybe the Dems helped get Orange his nomination by focusing press on him during the run up to the GOP convention and OMFG that is something I cannot get past, etc, etc.

I cannot see much positivity coming out of this process and past the four years, not much to instill hope. May the saner heads prevail in terms of helping the non-whites, the women, the trans and the LGB population down there. May humanity prevail, may global warming not take over...lots of hopes but fewer answers am sad to say.

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[> [> [> Here's more or less my opinion on it all.... -- Lij, Friday, November 11, 09:04:11pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

It's on my LJ. I've been sorta numb the last few days.


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[> [> [> [> Sadly being sorta numb kinda helps -- AS, Sunday, November 13, 01:22:21pm (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

I read your post and it echoes a lot of what I have been thinking. Never in my recent memory has such a film-flam man been elected to public office, except for maybe Rob Ford who was such a monster in the making but people bought his "helping the regular people" bullshit.

Have been hearing a lot of sad things the past few days but on the other hand was greatly amused to hear Planned Parenthood thanking the many donors who donated specifically in Pence''s name. That is sweet.

Already the Orange has apparently been backtracking on some of his statements in regards to getting rid of Obamacare and that maybe the Great Wall will be more of a fence now that he has to really think about it, blah, blah, blah....

Spending the weekend dealing with more fallout from family issues, it's been a great distraction to be worrying about going to court for a family fight vs watching the great circus show down south. As many a fellow liberal thinker has said, 'be kind to one another and look out for your brother in the days ahead'. Right now I am trying to help my brother and sister deal with this and not lose sight of what it means to be kind though I will admit to wishing at times our other sister had never been born...but as much as I freely admit my family has been torn asunder irreparably by her actions, we still have our kids and spouses and friends there for us. We don't have to worry about the color of our skins or how are we are dressed or which bathroom we want to use or whether our kids can get married safely to the person they want to or if someone is going to wave a flag/knife/gun in our face because we don't look like we "belong" there. Sad but true.

It may "only" be four years but I doubt they will be easy ones. Hearing uneasy rumours from Europe about ultra right parties taking this new era to heart and hoping for power.

Be strong but be safe, my friend. Know that if you do show up one day in our harbour, I will be there for you.

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[> [> [> [> [> Thank you, and you too! -- Lij, Monday, November 14, 02:54:57am (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

I've heard one of the Le Pen folk are coming here to commiserate with Trump.

What I find that I cannot understand is that a lot of working folk making less than $50,000 are so damn supportive of Trump. He is just a big con-artist.

1 - no wall
2 - dialed back the rhetoric about getting rid of marriage for gays and lesbians
3 - a bunch more....

But people do not seem to understand his tax/economic policies and how they would negatively affect them.

First his tax plan doesn't give a tax cut to anyone below about $38,000 in income. And for some below that it raises their taxes! The people who really get a big tax cut are those who make the most money. It's almost obscene what their tax breaks are. And that sort of 'trickle-down' economics has been show to never really work. And in the end the Federal Deficit will once again start accelerating out of line, throwing the nation into worse debt.

But what I fear most are the tariffs Trump wants to put in place. He wants to tax goods from Mexico (screw NAFTA) and China 35%. Who ultimately pays that - the American consumer. Trump will claim his tax cut will cover it, but not for the majority of Americans. What will then occur is a trade war with China, they will set retaliatory tariffs on American products or just quit buying from America, like with farm products. Trump will end up fucking over farmers, who supported him 3-1 (I sometimes feel like that 'only' one). There is a whole thing where China is overextended on credit as well and that might fuel a collapse in their economy which could spread.

The American economy will go first into a period of stag-flation and then with weakening buying, weakening trade and weak consumer confidence, the economy will go on the skids into a recession or worse and people will start losing their jobs all over again like under George W. Bush - or much worse.

When that happens, look out world. The recession won't stop with America it will spread to the entire world. So if Trump kicks in the tariffs (which he can do by presidential 'edict' without any vote of congress), become a prepper - the apocalypse might be near.

I ain't kidding.

Best to you, though!


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[> Re: I am so very, very sorry. *hugs* -- dee, Monday, November 14, 05:23:50pm (248.38.ultimate-int.uia.net/

The only light I can see is the hope that people of the U.S. will come to an awakening and recognize how they must work harder and more diligently to overcome the crazy-ass, heart of darkness, old-school-bullshit-Breitbart-racism and bigotry going on in this country.
I cried my eyes out when SNL combined the sadness of Leonard Cohen's passing and Hillary Clinton's efforts to make a difference being torn apart by archaic beliefs and people falling for "a different candidate" who supposedly "speaks for the people".

I was hoping for history to be made and all it did was repeat itself.

Another lesson to be learned.
One day. Maybe.
Let's hope.

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[> [> Dee!!!!!!! -- AS, Monday, November 14, 10:33:27pm (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

We can only hope and work on what we can where we can, try to change hearts and minds with positivity but as an outsider to US culture, admittedly it's a big task.

(Miss you, btw!)

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[> [> Hi Dee! -- Lij, Tuesday, November 15, 02:36:43am (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

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