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Date Posted: Saturday, November 19, 07:24:08am
Author: Knut Holt
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Planet Mars - Strange formations and observations pointing to life and ruined buildings


The exploration of the planet Mars have revealed a variety of strange structures of every size, from microscopic inclusions in rocks to landscape elements, that are difficult to explain as the result of simple chemical, geological and meteorological processes. Nasa and other authorities generally try to avoid exhibiting and commenting about them, even though they are not kept secret. This is a survey of these elements.

Most pictures and descriptions of Mars that Nasa present in an easily accessible form, give the impression of a dry, cold and deserted planet. They exhibit plenty of material that illustrate the geological history of the planet, but avoid presening features that cannot easily be explained as the result of simple geological processes. When they cannot avoid to show features that obviously have a more complicated origine, they never comment on them by own choise.

But the planet is so full of anomalies that even the most neutral picture contain something to ponder about, and by some deeper search you easily find highly pecular structures that cannot result from just elementary geological processes. Here is a servey of the most important ones:


The Martian topology shows many tubular structures and these often seem to have concentric rings around them with fairly regular intervals. Some of them seem to be composed of a glass-like material. These vary in size from a few inches to great landscape structures. They are often branched, sometimes in a spider-like fashion. The shorter of them can remind of roots. Some are hundreds or thousand meters long and and remind of closed passways, or of those grand scale tubes used on earth to furnish communities with oil, gas or water.

Some of these are probably sand dunes blown together by the wind, others are probably lava tubes, and still others are probably water streams that once froze to ice. But it is difficult to explain all of them this way.


Some areas have a dence occurance of dark branched bodies looking from above like bushes or enormous trees with branches originating from a central body. At a closer look, the greater of them are branched hills with some dark substance at the top of the branches.

The smaller of these tend to come and go by the seasons and may be related to carabon dioxide and water ice freezing and evaoprating. There is speculation that the greater permanent structures originate from material venting out from the ground in combination with processes of erotion. But these explanation are somewhat defective, and by asuming some biological activity you can reach a more complete explanation.


Martian stones often exhibit small worm-like structures, usually composed of short sections just like earthly worms. When such structures are seen in stones on earth, they most often are fossils, but sometimes the result of geological and chemical processes. Some rocks originating from Mars, but fallen down on Earth, contain microscopic worm-like structures divided into sections.

Martian rocks contain also a great many small perfectly regular bodies looking like berries on a thick stalk, and the sureface of the bodies generelly has recularly carved patterns. They are usually explained as material crystalized from salty solutions sieped out from narrow channels in the rocks. But structures on Earth with that origine are seldome so regularly chaped.


Areas in the Martian landscape, especilly that called Cydonia, have numerous nearly perfectly shaped pyramids, and eventual shape defects in these structures is easily seen as the result of erotion. These are also often placed in a regular pattern. For example can three of them be placed on a stright line with exactly the same distance.

The same area have a great famous structure looking like a face from distance. As long as there were only distant photos of the structure and it was thought to be really shaped like a face, it was little interesting, since somewhere on a planet you will find something that happens to look so just by chance. But now there are short distance photos of the structure that reveal it as an originally perfectly shaped oval pyramid that has partly collaped. And by looking at the collpsed part, one can see that the structure has hollow chambers inside, and the outer shell has collpsed into the chambers.


Landscape structures that look like eroded foundations of collapsed buildings are common in certain areas on Mars, and in some instances the structures even show uneroded flat fasades put together at right angles. In the same areas you will find a lot of blocks of stones with a regular angled shape, looking like construction elements from collapsed buildings.


There are abundant evidence of former lakes, rivers and seas on Mars. By now there is also fairly certain evidence of whater that sieps out from cracks in hills and flow for some time down a slope, which point to the existance of permanently liquid water at some depth in the ground of Mars. Water ice is also common on the planet.


The surface of Mars have sveral holes with a diameter of several hundreds meters and so deep that one really do not know how deep into the ground they reach. They were possibly formed when giant lava tubes collapsed, but this explanation is too simple to be complete and lava tubes tend to run horisontally.

Some process is permanently producing methane on the planet. On Earth methane is produced by life forms or by volcanic activity, but Mars does not have any known present volcanic activity.


The way Nasa talks about possible former and present life on Mars is in itself an anomaly. They always hold that they are interesting in finding out if Marse once hosted life, and if it still may host microbial life at deep levels of the soil and in cavities. But they always talk about microbial life, when present life is the subject, as if life on Mars has no ability for evolution.

At each mission they send, they say that thay have the aim of finding evidence if Mars formerly had conditions that made life possible. And they always stress the mantra that the expidition is not equipped to find fossils of former living organisms and absolutely not equipped to find organisms living there now. But the advanced equipment brought to Mars is obviously capable of detecting life as long as it does not dqwll too deep in the ground. One is easily led to the conclusion that Nasa is hiding something.


If you put all the evidence togeather, including the rather strange behavior of Nasa towards the public, one can draw four tentative conclusions:

- There was nearly certainly former life on Mars.
- There is probably life on Mars Now, mostly hidden deep in the soil, and in cracks, caverns and abysses.
- There were possibly intelligent being on Mars at some time that built structures of which we can see eroded remnants.
- Nasa knows about this in fairly great details, but do not reveal all they know to the public.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.


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