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Date Posted: Monday, November 21, 07:08:13pm
Author: Lij
Author Host/IP: 162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: AS... did you hear about Walnut the whippet?

Walnut's last walk on the beach....


How are your dogs?

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[> Oh, yes! Wasn't that a lovely story!! -- AurraSing, Tuesday, November 22, 10:30:15am (d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net/

I shared that with Don and Ali the day it broke, so much of it touched us since we know exactly how it feels to have those "last walks".....

Casey and Delilah are great. In fact I was just getting ready to close my office door and leave work last night when Don showed up with the pair of them. He was home early so walked them downtown, Dee was super excited to come inside so we showed them the receiving area and my office (which she thought was boring) so then I said "Let's go to the new dog park before we go home!" So we drove over there and the two of them had lots of fun playing with a ten month old Rhodesian Ridgeback pupper called Chester then it was getting dark so we headed home to cook supper then cuddled with them on the couch while we read/watched tv. Dogs are great, they are like kids only they shed more but don't need college tuition or a new laptop but are on the other hand thrilled to be wearing a leash and are absurdly grateful for cheese.

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[> [> LMqAO! -- Lij, Tuesday, November 22, 03:21:37pm (162-199-224-176.lightspeed.iplsin.sbcglobal.net/

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[> Oh my gosh. So sweet. -- dee, Friday, December 09, 06:29:31pm (248.38.ultimate-int.uia.net/

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