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Date Posted: Monday, January 29, 11:35:03pm
Author: AS
Author Host/IP: d154-20-59-185.bchsia.telus.net /
Subject: *hugs*.
In reply to: dee 's message, "Harmony." on Sunday, January 28, 09:23:00pm

Buffy was a good show.

I kind of wonder about attention spans these days though- it feels like hour long shows are off the radar around here. Not that I am complaining, I don’t actively watch much tv anymore.

But back to Buffy and something that came up in conversation last week. Ali asked me why our family was never much into Disney, ie the Disney princess thing or planning trips to Disneyland. When I asked her why she was wondering about it, she told me a few of her classmates were debating a trip to Disneyland to celebrate graduating from university. In fact they seemed a little bewildered at why she thought this was a strange way to celebrate.

I had to think about it a bit and look at some of the tv and movies that were released when my kids were young. While it’s true that some good stuff was around then, we were more into Pixar and other movie studio releases. Tv wise my kids were more likely to watch Bugs Bunny cartoons than Disney stuff. Ali hated dolls (and dresses), she enjoyed Buffy and Xena, not Ariel and Snowwhite, in fact I can’t even think of a single birthday party she had where a Disney theme was on view.

Honestly my kids were outside a lot, when they were watching tv it was nerd stuff like Star Trek or Reboot or Futurama. I guess it’s safe to say that while our viewing tastes were pretty catholic back then, we were not a Disney family...more like the Nerd family.

oh well!

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