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Date Posted: 21:09:30 09/03/05 Sat
Author: Heartsick too. Hindsight 20/20. Please don't point fingers.
Subject: Please don't blame our President. I don't blame anybody, it was a long chain of events that went wrong-it is no one person's fault.
In reply to: Pamela Hamer-Hood 's message, "I am so heartsick, they wouldn't take my help..." on 08:40:28 09/03/05 Sat

>My Dear Friends,
>I live in the DFW area and I am so frustrated and so
>angry over this whole mess. I have fired off emails
>to everyone I can find an email address for. This is
>the worst thing I will ever see in my lifetime.
>Kidd, my heart breaks for you too, I know you are
>heartsick as well and good for you for not allowing
>politics to keep you from speaking up for those who
>can't be heard.
>I too believe with my whole heart that George W. made
>a decision to punish those people. He fooled the
>people around him with crap like, we're doing all
>we can. I don't want to use our soldiers and
>such, because that would just make this nation
>vulnerable to Terroist. But, the truth is there is
>so much they could have done. So many things they
>could have dropped into those areas not accessible.
>It wasn't until George W. saw that tide was turning
>and that people were getting furious that he was
>deliberately withholding and delaying getting help,
>real help in there. He abandoned not just the poor,
>but also the sick, the elderly, the children,
>everyone. First they were victimized by the storm and
>then we did.
>I also believe from the bottom of my heart that when
>the entire city goes under water, we should be glad
>there were stores they could get into and get some
>food. It will just sit there and rot in the filth and
>the water, so why shouldn't they get diapers and
>water, etc. Why were they threatened with being shot
>when they suffered for 3 days without food, water,
>any communication, any protection and finally the
>majority of them were getting staples. Only a few
>punks, just like everywhere, went about terroizing the
>weak, the helpless, the unprotected. They sat in
>that fish bowl with no idea that we were all out here
>crying and begging our govt to get them out, help
>them, drop them supplies in those outreaches instead
>of setting up portable food places that required
>many to die just trying to get there, most couldn't
>get there period. They went into a city collapsed,
>with no means of communication and expected the
>people to just come to them.
>Did you know they turned people back over and over
>that went and offered to carry people out? No, no,
>no. It's dangerous. Bull... they had been given
>orders by our elitist President and they followed it
>to a tee. Even when a group of tourist collected
>10,000 in order to buy their own bus out, this after
>their's was taken from them. They just headed out on
>the highway and kept walking and walking and they
>come over a hill and there for miles and miles are
>buses lined up, trucks with supplies, all kinds of
>people there being told no they couldn't, ask yourself
>why that is... there is no excuse for the suffering
>that our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers
>and babies and kids should be in this horrible
>nightmare. I am weeping and can't stop, except when
>I am yelling out loud at the t.v.
>Today, I got up at 3 a.m. and went to the 24 hr
>Walmart and bought $200 worth of supplies, grabbed my
>Book of Common Prayer, and headed 30 miles to Mesquite
>where I grew up. There is a small mall there were
>they are stopping the buses first. I don't know why
>they are stopping in Mesquite. I was so angry I
>started crying. They wouldn't take my donations, they
>aren't accepting any there. They make those buses
>pull off the highway and wait until daylight to
>actually move them on into Dallas, maybe 20 mi away at
>All the parking lot entrances were maned by local
>police. I begged them to just let me go in and tell
>them they are loved and being prayed for by millions
>of people around the world. I brought my birth
>certificate, my drivers license, my marriage license,
>and proof that I had been sanctioned by the Bishop of
>the Dallas Episcopal Diocese as a lay minister. That
>I am a Rehabilitation Science intern, due to graduate
>in December and that I just want to hold their hands,
>look into their eyes and let them see they are loved
>and cared for.
>But they wouldn't let me in. I said that when I was
>ill for so long, it was the early, early morning hours
>that I felt the most hopeless and alone and I didn't
>want them to feel that way, even if I could only help
>one person. But no, they said only the Red Cross
>Volunteers and police were being allowed in there. I
>asked why, who made that decision, and of course he
>said he was told that by his supervisor. So I drove
>another 20 mi's down the road to Reunion Arena, again
>they were surrounding Reunion. I said that I had the
>supplies they had put a call out for but none of the
>police were helpful. They would look up and say
>around the corner, around the corner. Finally I
>parked and went in search of where to put these
>supplies. I got 5 loaves of bread, a case of peanut
>butter, a case of jelly, baby stuff like pacifiers and
>bottles, a case of bottled water. A giant size jug of
>chocolate syrup for the kids, big jug of pickles, and
>a huge jar of Louisiana hot sauce. I also bought 5
>flash lights with batteries, 2 children sleeping bags,
>2 adult sleeping bags, 2 kids chairs, 2 adult chairs,
>the kind in the bag. I bought five giant bags of
>mixed fresh fruit, with apples and oranges in it. 10
>lbs of fresh bananas. I bought as much as I could and
>went in search of a place to leave it.
>Finally I found the area. There was a ton of stuff
>all over the floor, and a dozen salvation army men
>were just sitting in the back of a truck watching me
>bring stuff in. Finally they came and helped me
>unload the last of it and I asked again. Would it be
>alright if I go in and minister to the people. Same
>thing over and over, I just want to tell them how sad
>we are and how heartsick we are for them and that they
>are loved, so the police said go around the corner and
>you will see the entrance. After I walked several
>blocks, I found the entrance that they were bringing
>the evacuated people in through and walked up to the
> armed entrance, where the Red Cross people were
>standing blocking the entrance. I begged them to let
>me just check to see if someone just needed someone to
>talk too. I brought my cell phone fully charged to
>see if anyone wanted to use it. I brought a notebook
>for them to write down family members who are
>missing.I When I saw people pull into the parking lot
>just in from Louisiana, I also got to see them go in
>and then they were back.
>They were turned away because they hadn't come in on
>the buses. The woman was crying and her son was just
>standing to the side of her where 3 police officers
>quickly converged. I could see how upset whe was.
>So when I was driving out, I stopped beside the 5 of
>them. I dug out my last $40 and gave it to the
>woman. She began to cry and was so thankful and kind,
>I felt like i should be thanking her. I attempted
>to go to Tarrant County, another so-called shelter.
>where only red cross volunteers and police were
>allowed, turned away again. I couldn't believe it.
>I still can't believe it. As I was leaving, there
>was young man sitting outside with his puppy. They
>wouldn't let him come in and shower with his dog, so
>he just sat outside. When he asked if they wouldn't
>let me in, I stopped and asked how he was. So here
>comes a red cross volunteer man and blocks me from
>even speaking to him. I don't think they are
>evacuees, I think they are prisoners, and I don't know
>why. So I came back here where I have internet so I
>could update everyone.
>Hundreds of people have offered their homes,
>supplies, furnniture, whatever they need. But the
>sad thing is that they too are being told to leave
>their name, number, address, etc. but "sorry, we need
>at least 48hours to check you out...
>It really is a crisis here, everywhere they go they
>are being denied the services and homes that we have
>to offer.
>You might be asking yourself why i don't I just
>volunteer with the Red Cross?i Well I tried that
>Wednesday. I caled, I went to their website and
>dowloaded the application, only to be told that it
>would take at a minimum of 2 weeks before they had
>another orientation, hopefully. I said, "Are you
>saying you don't have an emergency orientation, this
>is Dallas, why wouldn't you."
>It is so frusting and so heartbreaking not to be
>allowed to help, to hold their hands, tell them they
>are loved, that we never stopped praying for them.
>The standard line here is that they don't need any
>volunteers in Dallas, only already oriented Red Cross
>people. In Houston they are happy for the volunteers,
>they put out a call for the volunteers
>I just want to scream.
>Love and hugs to all,
>p.s. For anyone who is asking themselves or each
>other, "why didn't they get out". They couldn't get
> gas, there were no buses or any other type of
>transportation available to help them leave, they are
>the very poorest people in this nation, we must not
>give up, we have to be their voice.

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