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Dear WWII Vets, Family Members, Historians of the Second World War, & Collectors,
The passing of Joe Foss & Bill Mauldin and so many other soldier heroes who defended and liberated the free world, is both sad & troubling to me. We are losing a
precious national resource at an alarming rate. I can do nothing to stop the hands of time from taking more veterans from us. But I can do my best to save their
history & their memories for future generations, so that their hardships, sacrifices, ingenuity, and humor can be remembered.
Do you have any stories, adventures, or anecdotes regarding WWII or other Military Jeeps? If so, please add them to the NEW WWII & MILITARY JEEP STORIES Bulletin Board to
write & post your story for the enjoyment of future generations.
The scope of my web site is WWII Jeeps, so that is the area I seek the most. These jeeps were also used to a great extent in Korea. I have nothing but the highest
respect and thanks for veterans of Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Somalia, Grenada, Desert Storm / Shield, and elsewhere, as well as those who serve today. If I get
enough responses on post-WWII jeep models of other eras I will add additional sections to the web site. Thank you, Brian
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