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Date Posted: 12:00:05 08/26/03 Tue
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Sorry cranky1...the evidence doesn't lie
In reply to: cranky1c 's message, "good catch!" on 11:17:22 08/26/03 Tue

Plus even if there weren't the prequels constantly hinting that the Thinking Machines would be making a comeback, there is the original Dune Chronicles.
People have noted the references in God Emperor as well.

But I think the real question is what would be most dramatic in terms of the "great enemy" or threat to humanity?

I am assuming that you are a fan, or basically wanted the enemy to be face dancers... but how in any way is this grand or fitting with LEto's Golden Path? It seems to me that everything in Herbert's universe fits together in some way and that he wrote things for a purpose.
I personally feel that the enemy should be thinking machines because it would be the most dramatic of all the scenarios and the most fitting within the Dune Universe. I feel that because the paranoia about machines is an underlying theme through all the books. The face dancers are not. Aliens are not.
People who have a problem with the Machines often site the fact that it is derivative. Stories like Terminator and the Matrix, and 2001 have milked the theme of man's own creation rising up to destroy it's creator.
But you have to remember, the Dune Universe is older than all of those stories. And the theme of man vs. machine is especially relevant today as humanity is actually on the verge of creating AI. The implications of such a creation and the fact that we have become completely dependent upon our own trappings and technologies is more concern today than ever before. So of course you have tons of science fiction authors addressing it and expressing their fears about it.

Anyway, regardless of any desires as you said, the evidence speaks for itself so it really isn't going to matter what people want or don't want.


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