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Date Posted: 10:17:55 12/15/03 Mon
Author: IDAHO
Subject: Actually my sources are Dune itself and KJA
In reply to: theButterfly 's message, "hmmm . . ." on 20:47:13 12/14/03 Sun

There were many thing that Frank had already laid out. For instance:

Elrood dying by Chaumarky induced by Fenring-

This is in the appendix of Dune. Go back and read it.

Fenring serving on Arrakis with Lady Margot-

LAdy Margot leaves Lady Jessica the note that there is danger in the secret garden grotto in the palace at Arakeen. Ergo, the Fenring's were in the palace at Arakeen for sometime while the Harkonnen's controlled Carthag.

Shaddam marrying Anirul-

Um, well he was married to Anirul, that's in the appendix of Dune and it says she was a Bene Gesserit.

Gurney watching his sister tortured by Raban and getting his scar-

We know that Gurney got a scar from an inkvine whipe. Also in Dune he says three or four times that he has a vendetta against Raban. In fact if you read the last chapter of Dune where Paul fights Feyd Rautha, Gurney is upset that Paul hasn't let him fight because Paul "promised him his day against the HArkonnen's." It is pretty clear that although it is never explicitly stated in Dune what happened to Gurney, that Frank had extensively developed a back story.

The sisterhood and their control which included Anirul making Shaddam only have girls and making Jessica-

this is just logic from Dune even. We know that Shaddam is married to a Bene Gesserit. We also know that he has four daughters and no male heir. We know that the Bene Gesserit's have control over which sex the child is that they bear. It is pretty obvious that the Bene Gesserit's wanted no male Corrino heir so that their Kwisatz Haderach, the son of Harkonnen's and Atreides bloodlines, would be the obvious choice to succeed the throne. He could also marry one of Shaddam's Bene Gesserit trained daughters to solidify his claim. Since the Bene Gesserit would have brought up this ideal Kwisatz HAderach and trained the Corrino daughter, they would have had total political control over the Empire. This is all in Dune, ergo Frank.

The Harkonnen's having a No-Ship-

This is alluded to in Heretics of Dune. Duncan and Miles find an old Harkonnen no-chamber I believe for hoarding spice. I'll have to read it again to make sure. But it is definitely in there.

I'd even wager that Leto having a son before Paul that died was Frank's idea.

Just a hunch. This is NOT from a source. But I think the disclaimer "I'd wager" makes it clear that I am not claiming this was definitely Frank's idea.

Norma Cenva, foldspace, Erasmus,- Mentioned in God Emperor of Dune I believe.

Swordmasters, bene gesserit, Bene Tlelaxu, Mentats, the Zensunni Wanderers, the Atreides, the Harkonnen, the Harkonnen betrayal at Corrin-

All of these organizations and incidents were developed in the backstory to dune. The descriptions of many can be found in the Dune appendix. My point is Frank created all these things and created the world. Frank literally said "The Harkonnen betrayed the Atreides at the battle of Corrin."

The point is a novel is really like 15% plot and outline and 85% the actual writing of it. Dune 7 is going to be a lot more KEvin and Brian than Cannabist says it is going to be. Perhaps Frank's detailed notes really lay out the entire plot point by point, but Brian and Kevin are going to be the ones to say "Miles Teg's chiseled features grimaced under a hawk-like nose that was the trademark of all those of his bloodline. The Atreides genes that had given him his amazing physical powers also gave him a keen sense of honor, a sense that he was struggling with now..."

Point is Brian and Kevin will be the ones doing the writing. Make no mistake.

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