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Date Posted: 15:00:13 01/19/04 Mon
Author: theButterfly
Subject: The only good thing about splitting Dune 7 into two.

Always trying to look at the good side of things, I have thought of one very good result to come from the current "double my profits" Dune 7 scheme.

If they stay with the same cover artist, we’ll get to see TWO great paintings from Stephen Youll, instead of just one. He’s a great artist, isn’t he? Let’s take a look at what he’s done so far:

House Atreides-
Actually, I like this one less than the others. The cover really needs to try to capture the spirit of the story within its pages. The scene that was selected is from the least interesting part of the book--and this coming from one who is obsessed with the idea of terraformation. It would’ve been better to choose a scene from Caladan or Ix. That would’ve been very cool.

And whose moronic idea was it to use the stillsuit design from the 1984 movie? At least put the damn face masks on them. They would still SUCK, but at least then we could pretend that that’s what they look like--although they would still be STANDING OUT IN THE SUN.

Other than that, I could forgive the incorrect placement of the two moons.

House Harkonnen-
Here we go! I love this painting! The publishers finally have the balls to let the man paint scene somewhere other than Arrakis, and the result is outstanding. This is Giedi Prime, and unless I can find some detail to nit-pick, this is how I will always picture it.

I wonder ... was the Baron already fat in this book? I think that the two people pictured on the cover must be Baron Harkonnen and Piter DeVries (sp?). Does anyone know for sure?

House Corrino-
This painting is the best part of the book, plain and simple. Of course, in this case that’s not saying much.

The red-haired guy in military attire is obviously Shaddam. I guess the woman up front is his wife. I’m not sure who the people behind them are. Based on their clothing, they are probably some high official and some Reverend Mother.

The Sardaukar in the background are holding two different flags; I’m not sure what those are supposed to be. There are also a lot of things flying overhead. It appears that this is the beginning of some sort of celebration or show of power for the people, although those people remain unseen.

The Butlerian Jihad-

The Machine Crusade-
Some sort of cymek and some person in purple. I’m not sure what I think of this one yet.

The Green Brain-
Excellent choice on the scene. This cover is perfect, though it’s not one of my favorites. Perhaps that’s an oxymoron. I don’t care.

The Eyes of Heisenberg-
Captures the book perfectly. Hmmm ... this seems to be something everyone agrees on: people in the future wear very tight clothing.

It would be SO COOL if they would re-release hardcovers of all the original masterpieces with new art by Stephen Youll.

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