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Date Posted: 15:39:16 01/21/04 Wed
Author: Ghanima
Subject: Dreamer of Dune

Have any of you read Dreamer of Dune? I am currently working through it, I'd say I'm about halfway through. There are some things that have struck a chord, and I thought I'd mention them.
Don't read any further if you don't want to know!

First of all, Brian Herbert's writing style is fairly good. It's a bit stilted at times, he tends to inject awkward little "BTW's" into the text which break up the rhythm of the chapters. Also, I think he does a bit of bragging here and there, like name dropping, etc. There is even one statement I just plain don't believe. Brian claims that his dad coined the term "Berserkly" for the town Berkeley. Having lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for most of my life, I just plain don't believe this. If you had asked me, I would have thought my dad invented this term too, since he was the first person I ever heard say it. I suppose it is possible, but it just doesn't seem provable. Which throws nearly everything Brian claims about his father into question.
The best parts, of course, are about the evolution of Dune. I love reading about how Frank got interested in sand dunes, ecology, psychology, etc. And how he came up with the Bene Gesserit, and (SPOILER SPOILER!)...that he originally wrote Dune to have Alia die before the end!! Wow, that would have changed the next couple of books, huh? I also am interested in his other books. I've read a couple now (Green Brain, Eyes of Heisenberg, White Plague, Jesus Incident, Best of Frank Herbert) and I think he carries some themes found in Dune through several of his books. I am pleased to have this totally confirmed by his biography.
I don't know if it's any better than Tim O'Reilly's biography, which is out of print but you can read it online at http://tim.oreilly.com/sci-fi/herbert/
But it is very interesting. I am amazed that I haven't picked anything else up to read while I'm reading a biography of all things. So, I guess I'd say I'm enjoying it, and I'd say thanks to Brian for sharing some of his father's world.

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