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Date Posted: 15:27:53 04/21/04 Wed
Author: IDAHO
Subject: I was 15
In reply to: AntiPaul 's message, "1st read Dune: where were you?" on 19:39:40 04/19/04 Mon

Well I first read Dune when I was 15. Mostly in my bedroom reading 50 pages at a time. I engulfed it. I was waiting for Paul to fight Fey'd Rautha at the end and finally have his revenge. It was a great read.

I subsequently read the second and third books in the series and didn't like them nearly as much. I was so dismayed that my hero, Paul Atreides was villified by his people and subsequently blotted out his own eyes like Oedipus and just walked off into the desert to die. And then to see his know it all 9 year old son defeat him in a battle of Prescience...

I didn't read another Dune book for several years. When I did, I really didn't like God Emperor very much at all. "I am Leto, your worm god! Worship me and fear!" I couldn't wait for the bastard to stop pontificating about anything and everything.

I waited a while and then read Heretics and loved it. The reintroduction of Duncan Idaho and the new world that Dune became with the Honored Matres, Futars, etc. Brought me back into the fold.

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