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Date Posted: 19:41:06 06/30/04 Wed
Author: erin
Subject: My Idea of a Great Continuation
In reply to: bloodsucker 's message, "great list!" on 10:24:54 06/14/04 Mon

In the last book of the Legends series, I would like to see all of the things that IDAHO mentioned.

However, I want to see those wonderful face dancers as the ultimate enemy that the Honored Matres are fleeing. Or I would like to see them as allies against the Omnius return. But I don't know. If the face dancers weren't the enemies and the machines were the threat, then would the face dancers be like the cogitors, just watching and unbias in opinion, not wanting to sway the victory either way? And they didn't seem like they felt threatened. Wouldn't the machines want them as well? Or did these face dancers already obliterate them? Didn't thier characteristics seem kinda God like? And infinite? But, I guess we all know that humanity won't end, b/c of the Golden Path, but what becomes of the dear sisterhood is of most importance to me. And the Duncan. (He has to serve some purpose, though what I don't know yet. My God they have spread his genes all over, so why do they keep making him?)

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