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Date Posted: 10:12:05 09/24/04 Fri
Author: Ghanima
Subject: Just finshed the other night...
In reply to: Antipaul 's message, "The Battle of Corrin" on 12:32:34 08/25/04 Wed

FUCK!!!! The stupid "Clear" button is way too close to the "Send" button. So I guess I'll type this all again...FUCK!$@@^%^#%$&%$@
Just finished Battle of Corrin the other day, and I have to say I enjoyed it tremendously! I found it to be a very satisfying read. (Insert disclaimer about no one equaling the master here.)
I especially enjoyed the Bene Gesserit origins. I liked the way they tied up the sorceress/Cenva storylines. I enjoyed watching the religious fervor of the Jihad really gain momentum. In general, I found that only the bare bones origins of the various schools of thought were told. For example, we see the idea for the founding of the Suk school take shape, but not the actual founding, and there is no mention of the imperial conditioning that is so pivotal to the Dune story. We meet the founder of the Mentat school but never actually get to see the beginnings of the school itself. It seems the origins for the ideas for these schools are what these books are about, not the actual nuts and bolts of how they are created. Which is fine, I guess, although I'd rather have seen more about the beginnings of the Guild than just its founder. But all in all, it was quite a good book. Definitely the best of the trilogy.
The one thing I found unsatisfying was the Tleilaxu origins. Hate to do this but !!!Spoiler: the apparent "founder" gets killed! How can he found the Tleilaxu if he's dead? And there is no clue about the religion behind them either. Gotta wonder what's up with that. Also, there are some heavy duty hints about who the unseen enemy in Dune 7 is.
Anyway, I'd recommend the book. It is definitely the best of the three, and has the most mature tone. It gives me hope for the Dune 7 novels!!

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