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Date Posted: 15:33:51 03/14/05 Mon
Author: IDAHO
Subject: I think I am referring more to the impact of a media
In reply to: bloodsucker 's message, "subcultures" on 09:40:20 03/13/05 Sun

While I did specify entertainment, I was more thinking of mediums like Television and the Internet that have had profound impact on human culture from the type of visual cues we respond to, to the vocabulary we use, etc. It just so happens that these mediums, though might have been used solely for communication and educational purpose has been co-opted by primarily entertainment, because apparently, as human beings we will shell out a lot of money for entertainment.

It is my belief, were I to write my own vision of the future, that those in power, the Noble Houses if you will, will be multi-media conglomerates. Because it won't necessairly be a specific product like oil or spice that generates revenue on massive scale, but also the product of entertainment.

It has happened in our own world with an oligarchy of media conglomerates like Disney, Newscorp, and GE that have owned like all of the major media outlets. These will be the people or the Noble Houses with power because they have the capital and they control the information. Information disseminated through media...propganda etc, can be an extraordinarily powerful tool.

There is no high tech media in Dune like TV or the internet and there for it is far more of a medieval society. And frankly I doubt the ability of any Leto Atreides II to rule and propogate a myth of a godhead for thousands of years without such tools available at his disposal.

Just some thinking.


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