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Date Posted: 17:51:09 05/06/06 Sat
Author: IDAHO
Subject: I've already read that
In reply to: Cannabist 's message, "you have it backwards" on 22:21:04 04/27/06 Thu

But we don't know how "detailed" those outlines actually were. But suffice it to say, I am saying that the story is FRANK'S, but all the words and thoughts put into the characters mouths and heads, have GOT to be Brian's and Kevin's writing. I doubt Frank had the time to do all of that. He did only have an outlined, however deatiled, after all.

But seriously, the Butlerian Jihad stuff and the House books.... I question how much of that was FRANK'S. Sure there were things like the Titans and Agamemmnon and Mohiam being Jessica's mother that were Frank's. But other things like House Vernius or the Characterization of Serna Butler, Vorian Atreides, and Xavier Harkonnen... seemed more Kevin and Brian.

Also, it was clear that the whole misguided Foldspace jump using the "AMAL" where the navigator saw the "great enemy" was a set up for these sequels. And it was all done in such a way that makes it pretty obvious that it's the machines, evolved from the Omnius Evermind that escaped in the Battle of Corrin.

Again, Frank wrote an outline that set out the history, but really those were Brian and Kevin's works.


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