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Date Posted: 19:15:52 08/02/03 Sat
Author: The Cannabist
Subject: Reply
In reply to: Green Phoenix 's message, "God Emperor of Dune" on 11:27:20 08/02/03 Sat

Let did not give them water of life, he let them drink from his cowl, the effect being they were saturated with spice, kinda like when Leto was tested by the smugglers and Paul in Children of Dune.

It gave them visions and tamed them to the Golden Path, but it did not give them the same effect they could have gotten from taking the water of life.

Remember with no worms, Spice Essence (the blue vial the witches brought to test Leto in GEod) is very hard to come by at this point in time.

When a worm gets old enough as part of it's life cycle it disintegrates into the sandtrout leaving almost next to nothing of the body other then worms.'

When Leto died (and he had to die near water) the water caused pretty much the same reaction, his body disintegrated and all that was left was pretty much his facial skin. The body became sandtrout and fled to encapsulate the water, beginning the cycle anew.

I would guess only the skeleton remained, but remember that also disintegrates rapidly which is why they rarely saw skeletons of worms in the desert.

Leto himself said that the sandtrout, and each new worm would carry what he called a "pearl of conciousness" a vestige memory of what he was. He also said they'd be a new breed of worms, more violent, and even smarter to a degree, making spice mining even more precarious.

Remember with time, Leto became more like the worm, more worm then human.

But Leto really had Everything to do with their life process, for he was the last worm. and if he died away from water, then the worms were also gone. He needed the water as a catalyst, to force out the sandtrout to break away and start the new cycle.

If he had lived to an old age and died on his own, the process would also have happened as part of the wormcycle, but while young and still somewhat human, he had to die near water. He needed that catalyst.

Of course this may spark debate, but I stand by my opinion :-)

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