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Date Posted: 12:27:59 07/24/07 Tue
Author: RFL.com
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Subject: RFL Commission calls crisis meeting.

In a season where the commission has lurched from crisis to catastrophe, the RFL Commission has called another crisis meeting this evening to deal with the protest lodged by Molly and the Party Animals re the result of last Saturday's game between the VVS Laxatives and The Party Animals.

Meanwhile The Nawab has threatened legal action should the result be reversed. "If they reverse this result, our season is over. I was leaving it up to Rooter to completely fuck our season, but now it appears that the Commissioners are just a bunch of premature ejaculators and have cut Rooters lunch. This action has been backed by over 1,000 members of the Indian bookmakers association. A spokesperson for the association, a Mr. John the Bookmaker said that bookies had paid out over 3800 billion rupee on the declared result, and many would be sent to the wall if they had to pay out twice.

The Commission will meet tonight with the results expected to be announced much later in the evening. A spokesperson for the Commission said that the decision would be a difficult one to make and would be made without fear or favour to either party. This is despite rumours of the Commissioner General's personal bank account being suddenly and mysteriously loaded up with foreign currency from origins unknown.

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