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Date Posted: 20:01:20 06/25/03 Wed
Author: Dunshee
Subject: Planets

sit down and listen good now
no noise must you make
not even a tiny peep
be quiet for heavens sake!

this story I am tellin
is definetly true
it happened long ago
when the universe was new

the stars sun and moon
all witnessed this event
so if you think me wrong
they'll tell you what I meant

back far in time
when ukuleles flew
and orangutangs and wizards
ate plum and asteroid stew

when whistling whifflepods
swam sideways in the sea
and gurgling gantragaks
never ever missed tea

This story is filled
with tragedy and woe
it's painful to tell
but you really must know

poor Venus was crying
he shimmering tears bright
and Neptune was weeping
his tears dark as night

small Pluto was whining
with tiny toe-sized tears
whilst Mercury was sniveling
tears dried up with the sun so near

Uranus was sobbing
his triangle tears green
even Mars was bawling
for once he wasn't mean

and Saturn was blubbering
giant tears rising down
Jupiter was wailing
small Pluto almost drowned

the reason for the planets
crying night and day
was that they all were thirsty
for Earth had drunk the milky way

so now you know the reason
the planets never speak
next time i'll tell you
what happened later that week

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