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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 10:29:05pm
Author: Shushurara
Subject: I'm with ED; can he teach today's team how to shoot free throws with their left hand, their right hand, underhand, whatever, If so, fly him in.
In reply to: lilpav30 's message, "I saw this guy in my ESPN magazine so i looked him up online. I'm too young, but does anybody remember him on Duquesne's 1990 team?? http://www.hoopsking.com/ganon-baker-basketball-trainer.html" on Wednesday, December 08, 12:02:17pm

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  • I remember he was supposed to be a PG who could shoot the 3. People said he'd beat out Clayton Adams at PG his freshman year. I believe he got hurt early and redshirted. He did play in 91-92 and is still third all time in single-season 3-PT FG% and 3-PT FGs made, but he didn't have too much else to his game. Turned it over a lot, didn't play defense, got into foul trouble easily, couldn't run the offense. I guess that describes a lot of players who've come through Duquesne over the years. (NT) -- DC'91, Thursday, December 09, 01:18:00am
  • I can remember several games he took last shot to win and missed, after that JC seemed to lose confidence in him. I spoke with him several times and he was a nice kid, just a wrong fit for Duquesne. (NT) -- philldogg, Thursday, December 09, 09:49:39am

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